Author Archives: Elf

“The Stand” as a graphic novel

The Stand

Creepy, isn't it?

Until Free Comic Book Day I had no idea that Stephen King’s “The Stand” had been put into illustrated form. Yet as I wandered around the comic-filled boxes on the sidewalk tables I saw one particular comic on a table marked “Free” that I couldn’t resist picking up.

It was an issue from the “Soul Survivors” chapter of “The Stand” graphic novel.

A few of my favorite horror movies

Silence of the Lambs

"Hello, Clarice..."

I’m a fan of horror movies but the ones I love most are the ones that are more psychological thrillers. I’m not opposed to blood, gore, guts and so on though unless it’s done just right I do get rather tired of it in excess. But I love movies that mess with your head. The reason this is on my mind today is thanks to watching one of those movies with a group of friends last night. After seeing it I felt the need to share some of my top favorite movies that don’t rely as much on gore but instead love to mess with your mind.

Don’t worry, I promise not to give any spoilers just in case there are folks who haven’t seen one or more of these movies.

Free Comic Book Day

Elf as Mara Jade from Star Wars

Elf as Mara Jade

Ah, Free Comic Book Day. The first Saturday in May that many geeks eagerly anticipate. The past few years I’ve been working on that most awesome of days but this year I happened to be free and ended up working with folks from a local geek convention (Geek Media Expo) to do some promoting at one of the Nashville comic stores.

More Dark Tower casting rumors!

Dark Tower

The Dark Tower

As a huge Dark Tower fan you guys know that I’m constantly listening for rumors and such of casting for the new miniseries/movie. The whole Javier Bardem as Roland thing still rubs me the wrong way (as that’s the only confirmed casting that I can find at the moment) but I’ll try to reserve my final judgment until I actually see his performance. For all we know he might be brilliant in the role.

But today I caught a whiff of another casting rumor from a friend on twitter. The source is IMDB which can be unreliable but it did make me cross my fingers in hope.

You can tell a lot by the opening credits…

Sometimes all it takes to suck me into a movie (or show) is a great opening title sequence. True, I adore movies where they don’t even show you the title or credits (or just a title) in the beginning but other times I love a well done opening sequence. I was thinking about that this morning and decided to post up some of my favorites ones from geeky things. Some are chosen based on music, others on the visual sequence and some for both. For today’s post I’ll stick with 5 in no particular order.


Earth’s Children 6: Land of the Painted Caves – A Review

Land of the Painted Caves

Earth's Children Book 6

We’ve been waiting for years but finally the last book in the Earth’s Children series by Jean Auel is finally in stores! If the series doesn’t sound familiar you might recognize the name of the first book: Clan of the Cave Bear. Yes, it is a somewhat cheesy movie but the book itself is well written and enjoyable. There are now 6 books total in the series and though I read the first four back in 1995 or so, the wait for the last two books was completely worth it.

Now that I’ve finished reading the newest book, “Land of the Painted Caves”, I wanted to share my thoughts on it with you guys and find out what you think about this last book. Beware, spoilers abound after the break!

Just in my hands – “The Molting” Chapter 6 by Terrance Zdunich

The Molting

My copy of The Molting, chp 6!

Yesterday my rather unhappy mood was suddenly brightened when I made it home after work by the sight of a package in my mailbox. I didn’t have to open it to know what it was. I’d been waiting for this to arrive for almost two weeks.

It was volume 6 of the graphic novel “The Molting” by Terrance Zdunich. It’s hard to believe that it was a year and a half ago that I read the first issue and was hooked. Since then I’ve eagerly awaited each issue and nabbed two copies each time, one for myself and one for my friend, Amanda. As each new issue makes it into my eager paws I have to revise which one might be my favorite. Chapter 6, “Allied Forces” might have just kicked its way to the top.

If you haven’t read this issue you might want to stop here until you do as there be spoilers ahead!

What’s behind the dislike of Wesley Crusher?

Wesley Crusher. A character loved by many and loathed by equally as many. Many of my friends from the time I fell in love with ST:TNG in the sixth grade through today love Wesley.  Me? I fall in with the latter group (though even I’ll admit that Wil Wheaton is a pretty cool guy and grew up to be kinda hot). And yet I often wonder, why do folks like me hate the character of Wesley so much?

“Robot” (aka Bollywood Terminator) is worth the watch


Dancing Cylons.

That’s apparently all you have to say to get people interested in watching a clip from the Bollywood film “Robot”.  

There’s no good way I’ve found to describe the movie other than calling it a Bollywood crossover between I, Robot and Terminator. The movie itself is nearly 3 hours long and, as you would expect in a Bollywood film, has about 8 song & dance sequences. Heck, the fight scene that is the climax of the movie seems to go on for ages but only actually lasts about 30-45 minutes. In all honesty I think I made it through the entire movie only thanks to a large bottle of rum, the company of friends and a morbid curiosity to see how it would all end.

“Someone’s mining my ore?!” – Watching “The Guild”

The Guild

The Guild

My friends get me hooked on all the cool stuff.

Earlier this month my friend, Amanda, came over and brought a couple of dvds with her of a show that she said we had to see. I’d heard about “The Guild” but to be honest, I had no idea what it was even about. When she mentioned that it was about gaming my ears totally perked up. She explained it was a webseries that was still running. Knowing how much I loved Dr. Horrible and all of Red vs. Blue I figured it couldn’t be too terrible.