Category Archives: Videos

Persona 5 First Look Video

Here is a video from Stuarts initial Playthrough of Persona 5. You will get his initial impressions and reactions to the game that will take up a lot of his free time. We hope you enjoy.

Remember Me: Episode 16: Ending Edge (Finale)

Stuart finally fights Edge.

Remember Me: Episode 15: Remix the Remix

Stuart pulls an Inception and dives into a memory of a memory.

Remember Me: Episode 14: Conception Cube

Stuart enters the Conception Cube.

Remember Me: Episode 13: Mnemopolis

Stuart enters Mnemopolis to destory the cube that holds all the memories.

Remember Me: Episode 12: Hello Dr. Green

Stuart finds out what the ghostly shape that’s been following him is.

Remember Me: Episode 11: Back to the Begining

Stuart returns to the place he woke up.

Remember Me: Episode 10: The Crash That Started It All

Stuart remixes the head of Memerize and learns something about Nilin’s past.

Remember Me: Episode 9: Traced be Trace

Stuart encounters Trace

Remember Me: Episode 8: Flooded Paris

Stuart makes his way to the HQ of Memorize