Monthly Archives: February 2011

Halo reach: Defiant Map Pack coming in March

Its been a long while since we’ve heard about the updates regarding the Halo Reach franchise. The last DLC for this sequel which was the Noble Map pack was certainly exciting on some extent but we all know in the gaming world, players have this trait of getting bored too easily and you can count me in for that!

Coming from the gamingsphere, this new leak was unearthed and it appears the next map pack will be called as “Defiant”. According to this French-based website, this Defiant Map pack would be the latest DLC for Halo Reach and it would contain three new battlefields namely: Condemned, Unearthed and Highlands.

Arrrgh avast! Leaked Killzone 3 Torrent

I guess you have to give pirates a little bit of credit, just like everyone else they too apparently work weekends to steal games, while everyone else works weekends to buy them. Just a week before release KillZone 3 for the PS3 has appeared on torrent sites…all 41.4 gigabytes of it. 

“Nothing But Trouble” – A lost classic

Nothing But Trouble

photo via Wikipedia

My love of strange movies often leads me to some that I wish I’d never seen. Other times it leads me to gems that I just have to share.

Nothing But Trouble is a hilarious comedy with a cast that includes Chevy Chase, Demi Moore, Dan Akroyd and John Candy (not to mention the Digital Underground). Essentially, four travelers get pulled over for a minor traffic violation (and failed attempt at evading a police officer) and are taken in the middle of the night to the reeve of Valkenvania for sentencing. Things only go downhill from there. 

XBLA House Party Release dates and Prices

When Microsoft announced Xbox Live Arcade’s House Party I thought to myself, Yes! now I can finally have that Kid N’ Play dance simulator I’ve always wanted. My dream will have to wait it seems but instead here are the upcoming titles to be released with prices and pics during the promotion, enjoy.

Borderlands 2 in Development?

Seems like the CEO of Gearbox Randy Pitchford (no relation to Stuart) pretty much confirmed that Borderlands will be getting a sequel. That is great news if you are a Huge fanboy of the Game like Me. During a conversation with VG247 Pitchford  said “I’m sure Duke will have some demands of me and I’ve gotta work on Borderlands 2, right?”.  I say yes he does! I think we all pretty much knew that there will be a sequel. Borderlands sold outstanding and even released 4 pieces of DLC to support their game. Lets Just hope we don’t have to wait long for the sequel.

Source Gamerzines

Gears of War Kinect Rumor?

Microsoft has shown promise in the vain of getting Hardcore franchises adapted to the Kinect device with games announced like Steel Battalion, Star Wars, Child of Eden & the newly Rumored Gears of War. According to sources claiming to be familiar with the project, the rumored Gears of War Kinect project is indeed real.

Deals of the week (App Store)

iPhone App Store Sale!

This week EA and Gameloft are having a big sale on a variety of their best selling iOS games. I’ve gone through a list of many of the best games that are on sale an the list is as follows!

Update: The list now also includes Capcom games on sale!

Episode 31-Geeking out for Hours

We are back for another exciting episode where we three get our geek on.  We apologize for running extremely long. We will try not to go as long in the future. We mostly focus on Gaming this episode, but touch on a few other topics as well. Links to a few thing we discuss will be shown below. You can leave feedback on iTunes, Zune, Twitter, Facebook, send email to , call our voiceline at 1-347-GeekFTW(433-5389) , or leave a comment below. Don’t forget to leave OFR an iTunes review to enter to win a copy of Call of Duty Black Ops for the Xbox 360. And remember we are still looking for writers and guest hosts so if you are interested than please contact us. We hope you enjoy!

Show Notes with Links:

“The Dark Tower” on the Silver Screen – A Geek Girl’s Opinion

The Dark Tower

photo via

So…I’m listening to Stephen King’s Dark Tower series on audiobook and remembering all the things I love about the series. I’ve read the books countless times but until recently I only had the audiobook for “The Drawing of Three”. Now I’ve managed to get all of them and I’m currently listening to “The Wastelands”. Well…I’m listening when I’m on break or at lunch. Still, it’s good even in 10 minute doses and makes for perfect listening material while knitting Jayne Hats.

As much as I love the series I have to admit that I’m terribly worried about seeing it in a visual format. I mean, they’re talking about making a miniseries and movie out of the books and while I think it could definitely be interesting, I’m worried that they won’t be able to do it justice. The books are so complex and rich that I don’t think you can convey that all on a screen. My other huge concern is the actors that they’ll get to be in the movie.

My life without a PC

I have been without a dedicated computer for around six months now.  The main reason why I decided against getting a new computer for Christmas was my iPod touch. In fact I got a new iPod touch instead. My iPod touch is my dedicated computer. Sure it doesn’t have flash and it can’t do some of the things that a dedicated computer can do, I do miss being able to download some things every now and then. I’ve spent the last week weighing up the pros and cons of having a dedicated computer instead of or as well as a device like an iPod or iPad. Here is what I came up with.