One more day to enter to win Canned Unicorn Meat!

After several requests I decided to extend the deadline for entries one more day! So you have until midnight tonight to email me your best unicorn meat recipes! Remember, you don’t have to provide a full recipe (though you are more than welcome to) but a name and a quick description is plenty!

I’ll post up the entries tomorrow and allow voting through 1pm CST Monday the 20th. After that I’ll tally up the cotes and announce the winner! The awesome prize is a lovely can of Unicorn Meat provided by the totally rad folks at ThinkGeek!

I know you guys have some sick and twisted senses of humor. Put them to the test and email me your recipes!

Canned Unicorn Meat
(photo via
About Elf 83 Articles
I'm a 30 year old geek-girl who not only practices with a lightsaber bokken on a regular basis but I also still write fanfiction. (and I'm proud of both!) I've been a proud geek since I was little, happily calling myself a Trekkie and still loving Star Wars with a passion. My range of geeky love runs from horror (like Repo: The Genetic Opera and Oldboy) to silliness like cartoons and the new Alice in Wonderland and everything in between.