Category Archives: Music

“I was raised to be charming, not sincere.” – Sondheim’s musical “Into the Woods”

Into the Woods

I know, I know….musicals aren’t considered your typical geeky material but as a huge Broadway fan I tend to geek out about them quite a bit.

Let’s take “Into the Woods” for example. I’ve been in love with this musical for over 12 years and I never fail to be amazed by Sondheim’s brilliance. The musical gathers several different fairytales and links them together in one plot. These are the fairytales that still have the blood and violence (such as cutting off toes and heels to fit the slipper in the Cinderella story) and yet both kids and adults can enjoy the show. The first act is lighthearted with some serious moments but still very cheery. The second act is the darker act, as it is for many musicals. This is where the adults will often find another layer of meaning in the story.

The musical covers a range of topics from growing up and out of childhood to love and betrayal to wishes and the consequences of those wishes and what you did to get them.

The music is catchy and features some of the best moments of characters all singing different things at once but still fitting the music. Sondheim is a master of such things, IMHO. I often find that certain songs get stuck in my head extremely easily and I’ll go around singing them for days.

There is a recording of the Broadway performance from 1989 that is on DVD (though I still have it on VHS) that I often show to friends. Many familiar names are in it such as Joanna Gleason, Chuck Wagner and Bernadette Peters. I highly recommend nabbing a copy of this (it’s on Netflix) and checking it out. Remember, even if you think the first act is a bit too cheesy and meant for kids, at least give the second act a try as it’s definitely darker in tone.

There are wonderfully hilarious moments thrown in at random points that never fail to make me crack up. The two Princes and their interactions with each other are some of my favorite parts. Also, the Big Bad Wolf’s costume in the video is one that will make you look twice and wonder what they were thinking when creating that outfit (think anatomically correct and fuzzy…I kid you not).

My friend Amanda and I sang along with most of the video when we showed it to a group of friends. Hopefully they got a kick out of us singing “Agony” (a duet between Cinderella’s Prince and Rapunzel’s Prince). By the end of the show we were all in agreement that we wanted to hear and see Nathan Fillion sing the part of Cinderella’s Prince and debated who would be a good counterpart for him as Rapunzel’s Prince. My votes go to Neil Patrick Harris and James Marsters. I think either of them have the ability to pull off that part.

So, once you’ve checked it out, come back and let me know what you think. I’m going to poke at Nathan Fillion (@NathanFillion) and Neil Patrick Harris (@ActuallyNPH) on Twitter and see if we can convince them to do a duet of “Agony”!

True Blood Season 2: The Score

True Blood Score

Last week I got all excited when I was browsing Amazon and drinking some coffee before work and found the score to season 2 of True Blood available for download. While I’m usually a very good girl about avoiding impulse buying first thing in the morning (before I’ve finished the first cup of coffee) I didn’t even think twice about purchasing the mp3 album and starting the download while I finished getting ready for work. I’d enjoyed the score to the first season so much that I’ve been wishing and hoping they’d release more music soon.

After listening to the full album twice through now I can say that while I love certain tracks on it, I think the music from the first season might still be my favorite. Even so, Nathan Barr is an amazing composer and the music he’s written for the show is beautiful. The themes that he’s able to set for each character and then alter enough to make them fit the situations are well written and recognizable.

Probably one of my favorite musical themes through the show is what I call the “Loss” or “Grief” theme. It’s probably best associated with Sookie’s Grandmother but it’s often played when a character, usually Sookie, is hit with a loss in her life. You can hear it played through the first season, most noticeably after the events with Gran. It’s while Sookie is eating that pecan pie alone at her table that you hear that there are words to it, making it a sad and sweet Southern-sounding hymn. (I admit, I cried during that scene and the music was at least partly to blame). Much to my delight Nathan Barr continues to use this theme through the music in the second season, particularly on a track called “Packing Gran”.

One of my other favorite themes is the love theme between Bill & Sookie. While I may not care for Bill at all, the music set for them is a lovely piece that builds in intensity and occasionally leaves you hanging without a musical resolution.

There isn’t much on this particular album that involves Maryann even though she was a huge part of the second season. For that I’m a little grateful. The track “House Party” manages to wrap up her and her influence in one single musical track. You also catch a glimpse of her madness in the early track “Ride & Slash”. We are introduced to some more music involving Eric on this album and the track “Eric’s Grief/ The Bleeds” had me sitting in my car for a few extra minutes, entranced by the new themes and music that I now associate with my favorite blond vampire.

All in all, it was worth the download. I now have more music to fuel my fantasies about being swept away by a tall blond Swedish man. *happy sigh*

Anyone else have a similar reaction to the album? Anyone going to run and nab one of the score albums just to hear what I’m describing? Let me know what you think of them!

I’m on a Blimp! (thank you DCTV!)

After a 5 year hiatus I finally made it back out to Dragon*Con this year and between running a panel, a Tauntaun sack race (go ahead, ask) and dealing with 6 different costume changes in 3 days, I had a blast!

Without a doubt one of my favorite parts of the whole convention is the Dragon*ConTV channel. The folks involved write and film a number of shorts, from ridiculous geeky commercials to Adult Swim style bumpers and then broadcast them over specific channels in each hotel and often on screens before panels start. So anytime I was in the hotel room to snarf some food or toss around costume bits like a madwoman, I had the TV tuned to that particular channel. They often will mix in old spots with newer ones (I did see one from 6 years ago that I did a quick voice-over for) and they never fail to get laughs.

This year there were a few that stuck in my head and I’m sure I’ll write about more of them in a week or so. Bob & Carl, Apology on the Mount and Portal Pranks were just a few that had me giggling for awhile. There was one, however, that is still stuck in my head almost a month later.

“I’m on a Blimp!”

This song, a Steampunk parody of “I’m on a Boat”, pops into my head at the most random moments and I’ll often find myself grooving and singing along before I realize it. It’s earned me quite a few odd looks and even some friends joining in when they hear me.

So now I present to you, “I’m on a Blimp”! May it get stuck in your head and may yo pass it on to infect your friends.

(And here's the link for anyone who can't see the above video: I'm on a Blimp)

Music to make you feel epic: Pirates of the Caribbean

PotC Soundtracks

I have to admit, I was a little nervous while trying to decide on my first post here on The GeeksFTW! but it hit me this morning as I was driving to work…

Geeky music. Specifically the scores to the three Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

If I’m feeling the need for epic, these are the soundtracks that I always pull up to listen to. Nothing can make the morning (or evening) commute more interesting than listening to a track like “The Kraken” from “Dead Man’s Chest” as I’m merging onto the interstate.

Listening to the soundtrack from “Curse of the Black Pearl” can take me back seven years ago to when the movie just came out in theaters. I immediately bought the soundtrack and promptly blew out the speakers in my car listening to it at almost top volume. From the jaunty riffs that remind you of Captain Jack Sparrow’s distinctive walk to the sweeping epic music that makes you wish your car had sails and that you had a pirate hat, the first soundtrack is brilliant.

The score to Dead Man’s Chest is just as amazing if a little darker than the first. My favorite track on that is easily “The Kraken” followed by “Davy Jones” that begins with the sound of the music box locket he wears. “At World’s End” competes heavily with the first movie’s score for the winning place of “most epic”. The tracks “At Wit’s End” and “Hoist the Colors” (complete with chorus) and “What Shall We Die For” never fail to make me shiver. Add in the spaghetti western feel of the track “Parlay” and you’ve got a score that might not win “most epic” but easily ties for it.

Even if you aren’t normally a fan of Pirates of the Caribbean or of instrumental scores, give these a try.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to sit outside on my break, listen to the score and dream of being a pirate.

Spider-Man swings onto Broadway

This is an amusing video from the 2010 Tony Awards. Host Sean Hayes dressed up like Spider-Man and started singing. Then reveals Spider-man the Musical is coming to Broadway this season.

This may be news to some, but it was announced a while back. Music and lyrics are provided by U2’s own Bono and The Edge. It is also being Directed by Julie Taymor whose best known work would probably be Across the Universe which was the Movie/Musical that used music from The Beatles to tell its story. To find out more info you can check out the official Spider-Man on Broadway website.

I know as a Comic book Geek and a Drama Geek I am hoping this does well enough that they go on Tour like a variety of other Broadway Musical’s and Plays do. I also wonder what could be next. Hulk the Musical? Maybe even Dark Knight on Broadway? Time will only tell.

Ronnie James Dio: RIP

I am sad to say that Mr.Holy Diver has passed away.He was battling stomach cancer. It seemed he was beating it, but sadly it got the best of him. I know this isn’t really “Geeky”, but it saddens me since DIO was one of my favorite bands.  He officially passed away May 15th 2010. Our thoughts go out to his family. Rock on Ronnie James Dio. ROCK ON!

Sorce via

EDIT:According to Blabbermouth the following statement came from Ronnie James Dio’s wife : “I am at the hospital and Ronnie has NOT passed away!!!! He is not doing good, but he is not dead. I will let you know if anything changes.Thank you for your concern.”

Lets hope for a Full Recovery.

Source via

EDIT It is official. Ronnie James Dio’s wife/manager reported that he passed away this morning May 16 at 7:45am. He was 67 and will truly be missed. The official report from his wife can be found at the official website Its a sad day in Metal. Once more I say Rock on Ronnie James Dio. ROCK ON!