Monthly Archives: July 2010

Ryan Reynolds’ Green Lantern Suit!

By this ring's light...

Here is the cover of Entertainment Weekly with the first image of Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern. Supposedly the suit is mostly CGI and when you think about the source of GL’s power that seems to make sense. I’m a bit torn on it as we are seeing him here out of context, but I do kind of dig the suit. A lot of people are not sure Ryan is the best choice to be Hal Jordan, and that may be valid. However one of the orignal problems with Hal, and why he was replaced for years by Kyle Rayner, was that he was sort of boring in the same way Cyclopes from X-Men is. Reynolds may be able to breath some real life in to Hal, and as long as his GL does not turn into a green Deadpool I am willing to give him a chance.

Back to the Futurama!

Futurama has been back as a seires for a few weeks now and so far it has been pretty good. I was worried as the movies, while having their moments, felt forced and never really went in the right directions. Here is a rundown of the latest episodes if you have missed them:

Rebirth: The gang gets reborn, but something is very wrong with Leela.

In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela: Leela and Zap Brannigan try to save Earth from a deadly sphere of death from space (that is in no way the Death Star). They find themselves stranded and alone….and in love?

Attack of the Killer App: Fry and the gang get eyephones and start posting on Twicher. Bender and Fry get into a bet on who can get the most followers, but the evil Mom seems to be behind the new social media. Also, a shocking secret about Leela gets revealed.

Proposition Infinity: Kif is sick of Amy’s constant flirting with “bad boys” and dumps her. While putting herself back out on the market for a guy Amy falls for Bender’s bad boy ways. When other members of society are shocked and angered by their “robosexuality”, Bender and Amy go about raising awareness of why their love should be allowed to thrive.

The DUH-Vinci Code: Professor Farnsworth leads the team on a misson to uncover the secret of the last invention of his hero Leonardo DaVinci. Fry struggles with the knowledge that not only does everyone think he is stupid…that he actually IS stupid. Following the clues the Planet Express crew uncovers a shocking secret about Leonardo.

The show has been nailing it so far. The only episode I have not liked was “In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela” as it just felt like a forced way to get Zap and Leela together for one episode. The other episodes are great with “Proposition Infinity” and “Attack of the Killer App” being quite strong. The best thing I can say about the new season is that it feels like the old show, whereas the movies did not.

This cake is not a lie!

I know people are tired of the Portal cake reference, but what else am I suppose to title this? Its a well designed Wedding Cake for a gamer that I found over at .The detail is pretty impressive. There is not much more to say about this other then the fact that its purely awesome. Let me know what you think. How would you make this cake better?

Source via

Ranting Opinion: Trailers Ruin Movie Plots

Movie trailers today also ruin good plots in movies. Some of the funniest lines of movies are spoiled in movie trailers. Some of the best movie twists are spoiled in movie trailers. With some movies, if you’ve seen enough trailers about the movie all you need a 5 second clip to tell you the ending and you have no reason to see it, because all the characters are introduced, the plot is given away, and sometimes even the ending protagonist and antagonist fight if shown. Guess what 95% of the time the protagonist wins. You can also guess the ending of a movie because basic plots are recycled over and over again. Take the movie Avatar as an example. James Cameron said that he worked on the plot for Avatar for 12 years. From just the trailers I saw of it I could tell someone the rough idea of the plot. Boy is part of an organization, boy gets separated from organization, boy meets girl, girl teaches boy how bad the organization is, organization tries to kill girl’s people, girl’s people blame boy, boy fights organization to win back the love of girl, boy wins and everyone lives happily ever after. I knew all that before I saw the movie because I grew up with movies like Pocahontas and Furn Gully.
Ok here’s what this rant is coming from, I have tried to stay in media blackout over the movie Inception. The keyword there was tried. I watched the first teaser trailer and knew that that movie would be an awesome movie if I see nothing else about it. That’s hard to do when I’m watching TV and a trailer comes on, and I quickly start digging for the remote, and Leo says the word dream just before I change channels. FUCK! Why? Why was that in the trailers? Why ruin the plot of a potentially great movie? To me that’s like putting that Bruce Willis is dead in the trailer for the Sixth Sense. I don’t know, maybe there’s something bigger in the movie Inception. I’ll know more when I see it, but I feel like the movie has been ruined for me. I just wish that trailers showed a lot less of movies and television shows than they do. </rant>

Final Fantasy XIII: A story in pictures!

Hey there champ! Did you just get your brand new copy of Final Fantasy XIII for your system of choice? Well you’re in for a time buddy let me tell you! Did you know you can break down the average user experience of someone who plays Final Fantasy XIII into six simple stages? Let’s take a look at them now!

STAGE ONE: Happiness (Hours 1-5)


Here you are fresh from your store of choice. You just spent a hefty chuck on of change or traded in some really treasured games on FF. You loved all the others…even Nine…hell even Final Fantasy X2. You sit down and open up your system and with trepidation and excitement you put in your disc. The game loads up and you begin. You’re first few hours are really slow and seem odd but hey, your just getting started and a little hand holding is expected right? I bet your thinking it’s going to pick up really soon.

STAGE TWO: Confusion (Hours 6-20)

When do I get three party memebers.

Well you would be wrong! In fact, dead wrong! You’re going to be going straight hallway after straight hallway with only two members of your team for a long…long…LONG time. Oh and you best get used to nothing making a bit of sense. You see in past Final Fantasy games too much time was wasted on explaining things like plot…or why the characters decide to take the actions they take. FFXIII is far to concerned with making speeches that don’t really make sense but try to illicit emotional responses that are unearned.

STAGE THREE: Anger (Hours 21-55)

At this point your getting pretty steamed. Even though the game was nice enough to give you a small bit of fun when you finally get to do some side missions, your fleeting joy saddens when you realize that eventually your going to have to go back to the pointless story. They combat is so fun, yet they never give you a break from it so you can savor it and take a breather. The characters you enjoyed at first, then later put up with, are now gnawing on your last nerve with their stupid stupid over dramatic dialogues.

STAGE FOUR: Hate (Hours 55-85)

Destruction and Mayhem

You get to the end of the game and have had enough. The harsh realization that your never getting all of that $60 back begins the eroison of your soul that the idiot characters chip away at all though the game. Things you like about the game fade, like the combat, fade into the mist of your white hot rage. You have had enough of Snow whining like a bitch, enough of Vanille sounding like she has diarrhea every battle, and you certainly can’t take any more jackassery from the plot that refuses to go anywhere.

STAGE FIVE: The Reckoning (HOURS N/A)

Hammer Time

You are now a slavering beast. Things like conscious though, showers, and hygiene are meaningless in your new world of blind venomous rage. You slam on the eject button, rip the DvD (or Blu-Ray) out and proceed to do things to it, that if it were a person, would land you some serious jail time. Your at the point that you print photos of the characters just so you can burn them and stomp them to bits of ash.

STAGE SIX: Catharsis (HOURS N/A)

The evil vanquished at last you begin to go about your life again. You will never be what you once were. The scars will always sting. You have been forced to bear a greater weight then even Frodo. Your only recourse is to clense your spirit wish something that can sooth your pain, but only one thing can make you believe in good JRPGs again…..

The Greatest Movie Trailer Ever Made?

Let’s be honest guys, action movies have not been what they used to be. Gone is the sense of balls out adventure and bigger then life heroes. Now we settle for Adrian Brody and Topher Grace playing footsies with Predators. We get dragged to see shlock like Twilight and Sex and the City and all the time ask ourselves where did our awesome movies go?

They went here.

*Warning: mildly unsafe for work, be sure to turn the sound down.

Van Redd Reviews: Metro 2033

Metro 2033 is a weird game. It is rare in the sense that it is based on a novel rather then a comic book or movie. I’m not sure if this works in favor of the narrative but for better or worse I had some memorable experiences. It gets stranger as the novel in question is from Russia and came out in or around 2005.

This game really feels like the Russian counterpoint to Fallout as you exist as a young person in a ruined world. Life as we know it has been burned away by nuclear fire and all that is left is a mutated wasteland with the buildings serving as tombs. I think Metro actually upstages Fallout as it makes the surface world seem like an absolutely horrible place and you ARE risking your life anytime you go up to it. You see the air itself is poison so you have to wear a gas mask at all times when outside, and too bad for you that the mutated life that survives up there is not going to just let you waltz by.  Neither are the various factions that control various areas just going to let you go by. Life for the most part exists underground in the old Metro stations. You get the feeling that Russia did not have a Vault program so this is the best they could do. Life is cramped and bleak but people are trying to make the most of it.

Your character will only speak in monologues between levels and realism is at a premium here. You get no map, there just aren’t any. You get a flashlight you have to manually pump up with a generator. Money is worthless, you buy things with bullets. Your gas mask can break, and if it does you either find another or you will die. It gives it a very Half-Life you against the world vibe that I sort of dig.

If that sounds harsh don’t worry, it never is too much to bear and the game seems to know just when to let you take a breather to recharge. These little things really help immerse you in the world of the Metro in the end and make for a unique experience.

The game also takes from Bioshock in a way as there is a mysterious “other” faction that seems to speak to you. Something supernatural is going on while all the human vs. human vs. mutant drama goes on. I found it mostly uninteresting though and ultimately this thread never gets quite enough explanation to really make much sense.

The graphics for the game are passable, but nothing is going to WOW you here. This is not to say the game looks bad it is just that nothing really looks that good either. Character models look very much the same and have “dead eyes” like some games from last gen. The lighting effects are nice and the texture work is good, but again, nothing is going to knock your socks off.

The voice acting is pretty good buy WHY do Russians always have to sound so stereotypically Russian in games. I salute games like Metal Gear Solid 3 for not doing what Metro does. The main character is not so bad but you literally will feel like you are talking to the spies from Rocky and Bullwinkle at points of this game. The pacing is excellent. but I was hampered by some very unclear objectives at certain points but nothing even close to game breaking. The game is fairly short though, and once you beat the game there is little reason for a repeat play. The game has a very weird morality system that never seems to come into play enough to make any sense and really should have probably just been scraped.

Bottom Line: Metro 2033 offers some great atmosphere and some unique takes on realism without being annoying, but the short length and general “Meh” -ness of the graphics places it in the rental category.

Halo Reach Achievements Leaked

According to Halo Reach will have 49 achievements total. Twenty-three are campaign specific achievements. They have been seperated into different groups.These are the following: Campaign (23), Firefight (7), Multiplayer (4), Training (6) and Player Experience (9) Below is a list of achievement and how to obtain them. Enjoy!

  • A Monument to All Your Sins – Complete each Campaign Mission on Legendary – alone.
  • Banshees, Fast and Low – Hijack a Banshee during the Reach Campaign.
  • Yes, Sensei – Earn a First Strike Medal in a Matchmaking game.
  • A New Challenger – Complete all of the Daily Challenges in a given day.
  • Make It Rain – Purchase an item from the Armory that requires the rank of Lt. Colonel.
  • If They Came to Hear Me Beg – Perform an Assassination against an Elite to survive a fall that would’ve been fatal.


Dead Rising 2 Practice

If you can’t wait for Dead Rising 2,like me, and you prefer traditional slow moving or shuffling zombies which take a shot to the head to go down then you’re in luck.

I have put together a list of 10 Xbox 360 zombie games which is more than enough to keep you occupied until the zombie fest that is Dead Rising 2!!!

Bare in mind these games are put in order of how well I think the zombies are portrayed and how the overall experience of killing them…… again is.

To give you an idea of how I think zombies should be portrayed here’s a list of what I think zombies should and shouldn’t do:

1. Zombies can’t fly, climb buildings or anything else supernatural for that matter. Think of the human body as a tool kit. A virus only has the same tools we have at its disposal. So there is know way for a zombie to fly unless the human it used to be could fly

2. The only way to kill a zombie is to “shoot em in the head”. The brain is the engine which drives a zombie without it the zombies can’t function.

The however can live without limbs and internal organs as their reanimated body no longer needs them

3. A zombie’s brain power is similar to the slime which first crawled out of the ocean. They operate of pure instinct and not by using intelligence

So now you know the rules I hope you enjoy my video sorry if you don’t like the order or disagree with it remember it’s just my opinion

I’d love to hear your favorite zombie game or what your top 10 list would be so feel to comment =]

Episode 14- The Dark Passenger Returns

After a longer then expected holiday break we are back! In this episode we get up to date with Dexter. We talk about season 4 in detail as well as make predictions about season 5. We welcome back Matt aka Patriot1030 from . So sit back and relax with a shorter episode of GeeksFTW! Expect a much longer episode next time as we discuss season 5 of Doctor Who.