Author Archives: Stuart Pitchford

Watch the Curiosity Land on Mars on Your Xbox 360

This weekend you’ll be able to watch the Mars Science Laboratory Mission get underway live on your Xbox 360. One of the mission objectives is to study the “habitability” of Mars and to collect data for manned missions, as well as to study the climate and geology.

According to Wikipedia the time of the landing is 5:31 am UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) August 6, which is 1:31 am EST August 6/10:31 pm PST August 5. [The time and date said on episode 102 of the podcast is wrong.] Depending on which site you look at the exact time is a bit different.

There will of coarse be other live streams of the landing on the Internet. But this one you can watch while sitting on your couch, chatting with your buddy’s on Party Chat.


Source: Major Nelson’s Blog, Wikipedia

Guild Wars 2 – Hunger Royale

On the last day the Guild Wars 2 Weekend Beta, Arenanet setup an event for everyone. It was Hunger Royale, which is a cross between Hunger Games and a battle royale. To see it check out the video below


GeeksFTW is Going Live

The GeeksFTW has some new and changing things coming in the furture. The GeeksFTW Podcast, on it’s 3rd year, is back to a live show. This time we are using instead of Ustream, because we don’t like ads that completly intrupt the show. So please join us every Wednesday and join in the chat room. You can find the Stream at or If there is Bonus Content that will be live before the show.

We are also taking the I Recommend segement and turning that into it’s own podcast. I Recommend will be a bi-weekly podcast that will recorded live on the stream. Keep an eye on The GeeksFTW twitter to see when we will be streaming.

We are also starting a weekly game night video stream on The night of the week and the name is still being determined. At first it will be PC games only until a replacment for broken equipment can be bought. Each show will be archived at

You can view our live recording schedule at

Hope to see you in the chat.

Now You Can Yell FUS ROH DAH and Something Happens

Bethesda has announced that a patch will be forthcoming for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, it will be adding Kinect support. Now you can continue yelling FUS ROH DAH at your screen (we all know you do) but now it will do something. A full list of the 200+ commands will be released this week. You’ll need print out just to remember them all. What’s faster reading a piece of paper to find what the map command is, or just pressing the back button?

Here’s a video of one of the programmers showing off the voice commands.

Google Goggles Boggle the Mind

A little while back we talked about Google Goggles (Rumored name: Google Eye) and what that would be like. Well, Google came out with a concept video to show us what it might look like to use the goggles.

GeeksFTW Media Expansion/Late April’s Fools Day Joke/We’re Totally Serious

We submitted a kickstarter project on April 1, 2012 and on April 3, 2012 it was approved. You can call this an April Fools joke but we intend to uphold our promises if it gets funded. Our goal is $2,500. What are we going to buy with that money you ask? Why new equipment of coarse. Here are the rewards for helping us reach our goal.


You will get your name on our Supporter Page on our website.

Estimated Delivery: Jun 2012


You will get a shout-on our Podcast. As well as previous rewards.

Estimated Delivery: Jun 2012


We will talk about any topic of your choosing on our podcast. As well as previous rewards.

Estimated Delivery: Aug 2012


You will get a CD Including our 1st podcast episode, 1st Year Anniversary Episode, 2nd Year Anniversary Episode, and 5 exclusive Bonus Episodes. As well as previous rewards.

Estimated Delivery: Aug 2012


Limited Reward

You will get a T-shirt Sporting our new logo. As well as previous rewards.

Estimated Delivery: Aug 2012


You will get to be a guest on our Podcast that we will be recorded live on the web. As well as previous rewards.

Estimated Delivery: Sep 2012


We will do an episode of the podcast or create video content focused on a topic of your choosing. As well as previous rewards.

Estimated Delivery: Sep 2012


We will let you host an episode of our Podcast that will be recorded live on the web. As well as previous rewards.

Estimated Delivery: Sep 2012
Every little bit helps.
“Only you can prevent poor, poor, quality streaming”

Mass Effect 3 Spoilercast with Scarfinger

CasualTerror and Scarfinger sit down and talk everything about Mass Effect 3. Spoilers are just dripping off this bonus episode. eww. This is your warning, please finish Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3 before you listen to this.

If you are looking for more from us then be sure to pick up our android app. The android App includes special bonus content that can only be found on the android app. We will put out bonus episodes. That is right full episodes will be in the app 2 weeks earlier then the actual feed.The app is only $1.99 and can be found on the Amazon App Store. We also have the iPhone app that can be found in the Podcast Box app on iTunes. We really want to know what you think of this episode so please let us know your thoughts. You can leave feedback on iTunes, Zune, Twitter, Facebook, send email to , call our voiceline at 1-347-GeekFTW(433-5389) , or leave a comment below. And remember we are still looking for writers and guest hosts so if you are interested than please contact us. Show notes will be below. We hope you enjoy!

Declaration of Assassin’s Creed III (Updated)

Yesterday I saw internet rumors that Assassin’s Creed III will be set during the time of the American Revolution. And today Ubisoft decided to respond to that rumor by releasing these images

As an Assassin’s Creed fan, this excites me. I can’t wait to start climbing all over Jamestown and stabbing some red coats in the neck.

Review: Witch and Wizard series (audiobook)

Witch and Wizard is about a teenage witch and wizard who try to stop an evil wizard from brainwashing the world with his “New Order.” If you read user reviews about the Witch and the Wizard series you would see reviews like “Harry Potter knockoff”, “Fake Harry Potter”, and so on in that fashion but those reviewers never actually read the books just the synopsis. The only comparison that I saw from this series to the Harry Potter series is that there is a witch and there is a wizard and there are ghosts. That’s it. Oh and the the bad guy can also use magic. No magic school, non magic users are not referred to as such, no one even taught said witch and wizard how to use magic they figured out how to use “M” on there own. They do get advice but it’s cryptic advice, Yoda style.

Video: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

William and Stuart play some Modern Warfare 3 Spec-Ops Survival mode while talking about 3D TVs and Black Friday and some more geeky stuff.