Guild Wars 2 – Hunger Royale

July 29, 2012 Stuart Pitchford 0

On the last day the Guild Wars 2 Weekend Beta, Arenanet setup an event for everyone. It was Hunger Royale, which is a cross between Hunger Games and a battle royale. To see it check out the video below  

GeeksFTW is Going Live

June 27, 2012 Stuart Pitchford 0

The GeeksFTW has some new and changing things coming in the furture. The GeeksFTW Podcast, on it’s 3rd year, is back to a live show. This time we are using instead of Ustream, because we don’t like ads that completly intrupt the show. So please join us every Wednesday [Click here to view more]

Google Goggles Boggle the Mind

April 5, 2012 Stuart Pitchford 0

A little while back we talked about Google Goggles (Rumored name: Google Eye) and what that would be like. Well, Google came out with a concept video to show us what it might look like to use the goggles.

Mass Effect 3 Spoilercast with Scarfinger

March 16, 2012 Stuart Pitchford 0

CasualTerror and Scarfinger sit down and talk everything about Mass Effect 3. Spoilers are just dripping off this bonus episode. eww. This is your warning, please finish Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3 before you listen to this. If you are looking for more from us then be sure to [Click here to view more]