Monthly Archives: November 2010

Android Vs iPhone Vs Blackberry?

This is a little comic image that has been going around the internet, mainly the smartphone review sites, and I for one find it hilarious. Honestly I do not know who was the first person to post this so I sadly can’t give credit, but its all over the tech sites. I personally think this is pretty accurate. Many people know I am a loyal Android fan/ user. I use to be a blackberry guy before that and own an iPod Touch so I’ve had experience with all platforms. Mainly I wanted to share this to hopefully give you a good laugh. With that said I am interested if you think this seems accurate or not. Leave a comment giving your opinion.

“You remind me of the babe…” – More to Labyrinth than David Bowie’s crotch

LabyrinthMy friends and I watched the Jim Henson film “Labyrinth” earlier this week and I have to admit, I was suddenly inspired to blog about it.

If you’re looking for a timeless film, a fantastic example of Jim Henson’s work, a catchy soundtrack and a fun storyline, this is it.

If you’re looking for a film with David Bowie in tight grey pants complete with many gratuitous crotch shots, this is also it.

Even though most people will often state that the one thing that is best remembered from the film is David Bowie’s crotch (myself included) it has to be said that I constantly catch myself and other quoting lines from the movie or singing and dancing whenever we hear a song like “Magic Dance”.

The plot is a pretty basic one. A young girl, dissatisfied with her home life ends up in a predicament where she has to venture into a fantasy world with many dangers in order to get back that which she’d wished away. You also can’t forget the love interest, the evil prince/king/sorcerer that is the one who grants her wish, puts her on the path, tries to get her to love him back and yet fails when she defies him and returns to her home. It’s a classic example of the hero’s journey (complete with the hero returning with a better knowledge of the self) but even so it’s easy to fall in love and call this movie a favorite even as an adult.

The puppetry in this movie was brilliant with the detail in the costumes and how lifelike they looked, especially when they moved. The guards at the doors, the knockers, Sir Didymus and so on were so well done that you could forget they weren’t real. In today’s movie world where everything is done as CGI, this movie brings you back to things that you feel you can reach out and touch.

Elf as Jareth with Jessi as The Worm

Elf as Jareth with Jessi as The Worm

And the music…oh the music. When I dressed as David Bowie’s character, Jareth, at Dragon*Con and then at GMX this year I can’t tell you how many times I heard people start the call and response before “Magic Dance” and then I’d be unable to resist actually breaking into song. It’s cute, it’s fun to sing and it totally gets stuck in your head.

While the character of Sarah tends to be whiny and not quite to my taste, she does grow during her time in the labyrinth, often with the help of friends that she meets along the way. Jareth, on the other hand, is a pleasure to watch and not just as eye candy. His frustration and sudden realization of sadness during the song “Within You” never fails to have me glued to the screen. The dull white flowing costume, showing his sadness and his animal personal (the white barn owl) at the very end is beautiful and is an excellent reflection of his mood during that scene. Yes, his hair is very 80’s and yes he looks like he rolled in glitter during many of the scenes but for some reason he’s able to make that appearance fit the character perfectly.

If you’ve never seen the movie, you’re missing out and I suggest you go and get it now. If you’ve seen it before, go ahead and rewatch it this weekend.

And if you’re like me and own 3 different copies of the dvd….grab a drink, settle down tonight and count the number of times David Bowie’s crotch seems to be the focus of a camera shot.

Episode 23- I recommend?

We are back. Thats 2 episodes in 2 weeks. This week we discuss some of the games we have been playing. Games include Fable 3, Lord of the Rings Online, Dead Rising 2, and Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2. We then jump into a little gadget talk with the rumor of the PlayStation Phone(PSP). Then we jump into our new segment called “I Recommend” were we discuss our thoughts on No Ordinary Family and Repo! The Genetic Opera. We then discuss Netflix Vs. Hulu and which we think is better. As always we encourage feedback. Leave a comment, iTunes review, or email us at

Halo Reach Max Rank cap lifted


Not to long ago it was posted on that once the Halo Reach community reached (no pun intended) 117 million daily/weekly challenges completed, that the max rank cap would be lifted. It was reported that sometime in the month of November Bungie would remove the cap that shows Max rank once you obtain the rank of Lt. colonel grade 3. Some have endlessly been watching the ticker on that has be quickly approaching the finish line. Well Halo fans the wait is over

What to watch?


Today with the level of access to TV, movies, and DLC. I still find myself flipping channels, scrolling endlessly through my Netflix instant queue, or trolling on Hulu for somthing compelling, interesting, or even heartfelt to watch. Thankfully due to the social prowess of Twitter, and the ever reliable information super highway. I was able to snag a couple of recommendations, so just thought I’d pass on the fruits of my labor.

Bejeweled 3

Popcap has been known to make the most addictive games. Their latest titles have been Bejeweled 2, Peggle and Plants Vs. Zombies. They make their games playable for even the most casual gamers. Well They just announced Bejeweled 3. Some of the new features include Badges, HD graphics, new gems and Ultra-smooth actions. There will be 4 modes and 4 unlockable modes according to PopCap’s blog. Not much info has been released but I’m sure it will be very addictive just as the previous version. It released on Dec 7 for PC and Mac. I’m hoping it released for mobile devices soon after.

It’s that time of the year – NaNoWriMo!

It’s November 1st. Time to put away the costumes and makeup (unless you’re a totally costuming geek like me), the decorations and skeletons and take a look at what November holds. If you’re a geek who loves to write, be it novels, short stories or even fanfiction (yes, I’m a proud fanfic writer) you might be working toward your first day’s word count in NaNoWriMo.


NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is a fun event that starts on November 1st and ends at midnight on November 30th. The idea is to write a novel that is 50,000 words long in just 30 days. There’s no cheating by bringing in something you’ve already been working on. You are on your word of honor that you are starting from scratch on the first. To make it easier, most folks break it up into the daily word count goal of 1,667 words. Even that is a tough goal when you have distractions such as work, kids, health and life in general.

The rules are pretty basic. It has to be a continuous novel, grammar and spelling aren’t a concern, absolutely non-sense just to get your word count up is frowned upon and so on. All of it is done on the honor system, however, so they leave it up to you to keep yourself in line. They don’t limit to the genre and even fanfiction is fine to write. Whatever makes you happy.

I’ve participated in NaNoWriMo since 2007. The first two years that I jumped in I ended up falling behind in my word count goals almost immediately. Last year I decided to give it another try, this time telling myself that no matter what, I would make that word goal each day. I wrote every chance that I could. I even went to a couple of write-ins. (That’s where a group of folks get together for a few hours and do nothing but write on the novels, maybe even playing a few speed writing games.)

And I made it. I ended up with just over 51,000 words for the month.

This year I’m participating again. I’m determined! The piece I’m writing is even semi-fanfiction so my geek gets to show in this crazy competition.

So, how many of my fellow geeks are going to be putting on their writing hats and churning out novels this month? I’m totally curious and would love to have more writing buddies! And if you’re writing fanfiction, I’d totally want to know your fandom. 🙂 You can catch me on the NaNoWriMo site as: Rumielf. Browse the forums and you can check out what writing events are happening in your region. Totally go to a write-in or two if you can. They are not only fun but they will get your word count moving along faster than you expect.

The Walking Dead Impressions

I am a Huge Zombie fan. I love watching Zombie movies. I have ended up watching some pretty bad movies because they were zombie related. So when I heard they were making a TV Series out of The Walking Dead comic I started getting interested. I didn’t follow all the news about it and avoided lots of spoiler type articles. Finally the first episode premiered last night on Halloween.

Personally I think the first half of the episode was really slow. I almost felt like turning it off because I just found it a bit boring. The second half ended up a lot better. Once there was zombie killing it got better. I enjoy the fact that AMC decided to go with a more bloody approach. That was one of my worries with a zombie show not on a Showtime or HBO channel. I’m curious to see how the show will progress. I wouldn’t say its going to be a great show from watching the first episode, but it ended up being enough to keep me interested in seeing how it turns out. Needless to say I will be watching it next week and so forth. I would recommend you watch this if you are a zombie fan. Now I just need to end up finishing the Comic Book series.