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Halo Reach Max Rank cap lifted

November 2, 2010 Henry Knox 0

  Not to long ago it was posted on that once the Halo Reach community reached (no pun intended) 117 million daily/weekly challenges completed, that the max rank cap would be lifted. It was reported that sometime in the month of November Bungie would remove the cap that shows [Click here to view more]

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What to watch?

November 1, 2010 Henry Knox 0

  Today with the level of access to TV, movies, and DLC. I still find myself flipping channels, scrolling endlessly through my Netflix instant queue, or trolling on Hulu for somthing compelling, interesting, or even heartfelt to watch. Thankfully due to the social prowess of Twitter, and the ever reliable information super highway. I [Click here to view more]

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Bejeweled 3

November 1, 2010 William McDonald 0

Popcap has been known to make the most addictive games. Their latest titles have been Bejeweled 2, Peggle and Plants Vs. Zombies. They make their games playable for even the most casual gamers. Well They just announced Bejeweled 3. Some of the new features include Badges, HD graphics, new gems [Click here to view more]

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It’s that time of the year – NaNoWriMo!

November 1, 2010 Elf 0

It’s November 1st. Time to put away the costumes and makeup (unless you’re a totally costuming geek like me), the decorations and skeletons and take a look at what November holds. If you’re a geek who loves to write, be it novels, short stories or even fanfiction (yes, I’m a [Click here to view more]