Monthly Archives: September 2010

Alice at Last: A few favorite incarnations

Variations on an Alice

made by Yappichick


I’ve loved the story “Alice in Wonderland” since I was little. Since the new Disney movie by Tim Burton came out there’s been a large surge of interest in the various incarnations. Earlier this week I got into a brief conversation on Twitter about some of the different movies and I decided to list a few of my favorites.

Disney’s animated “Alice in Wonderland”
How many folks remember watching this as a kid and wishing you could have un-birthdays? I have a nostalgic love for this film and the music in it. Even now I can still hear the Cheshire Cat singing those lines from the Jabberwock poem. While I’m not as big of a fan of it now, it still goes on my list of favorites simply because it was one of the first that I remember.

“Alice in Wonderland” & “Through the Looking Glass” (1985)
This TV movie was memorable for many reasons. It had an incredible cast and followed the plot of the books rather well. I’ll never be able to forget the first stanza of the poem “Father William” thanks to Sammy Davis Jr. dancing and singing it as the Caterpillar. Then there were the things that gave me nightmares such as Carol Channing as the White Queen turning into a sheep (which did happen in the book) and the very scary (at the time) Jabberwock. While I admit the effects look somewhat cheesy today, I recently rewatched this one and was happy to find that I enjoyed it just as much now as I did then.

American McGee’s Alice
I happened across this one while visiting a friend over the summer years ago. I watched him play it all the way through and realized that I loved the storyline. And older Alice who survived a fire that killed her parents (after her first trip down the rabbit hole) is locked in a mental hospital and has to fight her own insanity which is also warping the very real Wonderland that she’s still tied to. Who wouldn’t love that? Plus a Cheshire Cat with piercings and tattoos? And now they’re making a sequel? One of my favorites without question.

Syfy’s “Alice”
I wasn’t sure what I would think of this version of Alice in Wonderland. The storyline is quite different and many of the characters adjusted to fit in the new story. Even the Hatter wasn’t quite as mad as he normally is though the White Knight cracked me up to no end. Still, I have to admit, but the end of this one I decided that I could accept this as one I would recommend and enjoy later. It’s different, the ending is one that made me jump for joy and I admit that Andrew Lee Potts as the Hatter is cute enough to make me watch it again.

Tim Burton’s “Alice in Wonderland”
To give them credit, they didn’t make a true sequel or reboot it even though this was done through Disney and could have easily been either. Instead they took the original story and decided to set this one years after that. The first time I watched this one I thought it was good, nothing exciting and decided that I preferred the character of Chessur (the Cheshire Cat) to the others in the film. Less than a day later the movie had grown on me like a fungus and I found my love of the Mad Hatter renewed. It’s easy to get distracted by the visuals and score but the storyline is an excellent one and I highly recommend this incarnation.

And that’s my rundown of my favorite Alice in Wonderland incarnations! Do you have others that I didn’t mention or a different opinion on the ones I did? Hit me up with a comment!

True Blood Season 3: Cliffhanger or Letdown?

Tru Blood

Ever since my friend Amanda made me watch many episodes of season one of True Blood in a row I’ve been hooked. At the time she only had seasons 1 & 2 which I devoured happily. From the start I knew my preference lay with Sam and Team Eric as Bill was too broody and emo for me (which may explain why I’ve never really liked Angel). It wasn’t long after that I managed to get my hands on every Southern Vampire Mystery book and read each one in less than a day. Needless to say when season three of the television series started I was ready and eager to see how closely it would follow the books. 

Well, from the start I can say that I had no idea what was going to happen as they branched away from the third book so much. Not that I didn’t enjoy the season. On the contrary, I enjoyed it quite a bit (the Eric, Sam and Lafayette parts more than the Bill parts of course) and I found ways to watch each episode as soon as I could. So when we got to the last episode I was expecting…well…not what the book had laid out but something pretty epic.

Strangely I found that after the episode was over I was left with a feeling of “meh”. I won’t give away any real spoilers but I know that Amanda, who watched that episode with me, expressed a similar opinion. Unlike the ending of seasons 1 & 2 I found that I wasn’t immediately demanding a new episode RIGHT THEN. Yes, I do anticipate season 4, especially if it has certain elements of the fourth book (if that’s the case, I might need a bucket each Sunday to catch the drool) but I’m not craving. Unlike the last episode of season 2.0 of Battlestar Galactica I’m not screaming at the top of my lungs to the ceiling that I can’t wait to know what happens (you know the episode: “I’m getting my men!”)…and that makes me a little sad.

True, I love seeing a good storyline wrapped up nice and neat with just a teaser left dangling but in my favorite shows I love to be left craving the next season. It makes the wait between seasons that much more difficult and the first episode of the new season that much sweeter.

I really hope that season 4 brings back that feeling.

Anyone else (besides Amanda and I) have that experience with the last episode of season 3? Anyone care to debate me on the merits of Bill rather than Eric? Drop a comment below!

Episode 19-Dynamic Duo Returns!

We are back with another full-length episode of The GeeksFTW Podcast.  Stuart and Myself cover a variety of topics. We start off by talking about his experience with android since getting his HTC Droid Incredible. Then he talks a little bit about the show Fringe. We then jump straight into gaming with a little Dead Rising 2: Case Zero talk along with Plants Vs. Zombies XBLA. Finally I talk about my experiences with Spider-man Shattered Dimensions and answer some of Stuarts Questions. Oh and we talk a little(Truthfully its A Lot) about Halo: Reach. And my dog makes a short appearance on the show. This is the start of the re-birth of the podcast so stay tuned for much more! Again, we encourage feedback. Leave a comment on the site, Twitter, Facebook, or email us at .

Music to make you feel epic: Pirates of the Caribbean

PotC Soundtracks

I have to admit, I was a little nervous while trying to decide on my first post here on The GeeksFTW! but it hit me this morning as I was driving to work…

Geeky music. Specifically the scores to the three Pirates of the Caribbean movies.

If I’m feeling the need for epic, these are the soundtracks that I always pull up to listen to. Nothing can make the morning (or evening) commute more interesting than listening to a track like “The Kraken” from “Dead Man’s Chest” as I’m merging onto the interstate.

Listening to the soundtrack from “Curse of the Black Pearl” can take me back seven years ago to when the movie just came out in theaters. I immediately bought the soundtrack and promptly blew out the speakers in my car listening to it at almost top volume. From the jaunty riffs that remind you of Captain Jack Sparrow’s distinctive walk to the sweeping epic music that makes you wish your car had sails and that you had a pirate hat, the first soundtrack is brilliant.

The score to Dead Man’s Chest is just as amazing if a little darker than the first. My favorite track on that is easily “The Kraken” followed by “Davy Jones” that begins with the sound of the music box locket he wears. “At World’s End” competes heavily with the first movie’s score for the winning place of “most epic”. The tracks “At Wit’s End” and “Hoist the Colors” (complete with chorus) and “What Shall We Die For” never fail to make me shiver. Add in the spaghetti western feel of the track “Parlay” and you’ve got a score that might not win “most epic” but easily ties for it.

Even if you aren’t normally a fan of Pirates of the Caribbean or of instrumental scores, give these a try.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to sit outside on my break, listen to the score and dream of being a pirate.

Episode 18-Rise from the Grave

Honestly we had the site and podcast was dead, but we have risen from the grave and are back for a short episode. I explain our situation, why we haven’t been active, and a little future plans. I also talk about the Movies,Games, and Television I am looking forward to as well as a few things I’ve been doing lately. Sit back for another episode and remember to leave feedback at or follow us on twitter TheGeeksFTW.

Save TheGeeksFTW?

Dear Readers/Podcast Listeners,

We are currently looking for people who would be interested in helping out with writing for the site as well as the podcast. If you or somebody you know would be interested then feel free to send us an email at . I for one don’t want to see us go the way of the DoDo bird. Here at TheGeeksFTW we allow one to write or talk about what they enjoy or are passionate about. Don’t hesitate if you are interested. We are looking for help quick before we say good-bye for good. I look forward to reading any and all emails that are sent to us regarding our call for help. Thank you

Yours truly,
