The Horrors of Winter and an Author’s Aid
Sometimes my favorite authors and actors do things that make me extremely proud of them (and the money I spend on their items).
Stephen King has put out a call in Maine via radio for folks who are able to donate funds to help low income families with heating assistance this winter in the broadcast area. They’ve also agreed to match donations up to $70,000 which would bring the total assistance to $140,000. This request and offer is in response to the federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program which is facing some severe cuts.
I’m sure he’ll come under criticism for not donating more or for asking other folks to donate before he matches the amount but in this humble Elf’s opinion, he’s at least doing something rather than ignore the situation in a town that he still calls home.
Kudos to you, Mr. King.
I think you’ve just inspired me to purchase your newest book.
(via Bangor Daily News)