Tag Archives: Marvel

Five reasons for NerdRage!!

With so much going on with everything right now theres a lot of good stuff coming out, at the same time there is a lot of crap things happening in the world of geek.  I have a few lists on the go at the moment but this seemed to be the easiest so here goes.

Number 5:

World of Warcraft – Cataclysm

This falls under both good and bad, if you have played the game consistently at each level cap since the start of WoW you will have really seen the game evolve.  With so much controversy surrounding Wrath of the Lich King the WoW universe has never been so split,  How will Cata come across to the masses?  Will it be as charitable to the annoying 12 years olds as WOTLK was?  Will it be as much of a grind as Vanilla?  Personally I am hoping for it to be more like The Burning Crusade as that was the most enjoyable time in game for me where noobs were noobs, no one pugged end game content and there was a clear structure at max level.

The End: The Incredible Hulk

When I first stumbled upon the comic series The End I was given a copy of The Punisher’s version. This turn into an obsessive and curious intent  to know how some of my favorite marvel characters meet their end. One unlikely hero (in my personal taste) stood out amongst the rest was that Incredible Hulk.

Episode 10- Iron Man 2(SPOILERS!)

In this episode we are joined by Jbird360 to totally geek out over Iron Man 2. We talk about our favorite moments in this movie, the problems we had with the movie, as well as comparing it to a few movies including Iron Man and Spider-Man. This episode is packed with spoilers so wait to listen until you watch the movie. If you enjoy this episode then Leave us a iTunes review,comment, or send us an email at TheGeeksFTW@gmail.com and let us know what you think.

Iron Man 2 links

Sam Jackson Shield movie http://www.cinematical.com/2010/05/14/samuel-l-jackson-announces-s-h-i-e-l-d-the-movie/

Whiplash info http://www.comicvine.com/whiplash/29-12709/

Iron Man 2 info http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1228705/

Iron Man 2 review http://www.screened.com/iron-man-2/16-193207/staff-review/

Iron Man 2 review http://screenrant.com/iron-man-2-reviews-vic-56069/2/

Iron Man 2 review http://scififantasyfilms.suite101.com/article.cfm/iron-man-2—movie-review

Social Blend Iron Blend Podcast http://social-blend.com/2010/05/12/iron-blend/

Iron Man 2 Game review http://www.videogametalk.com/reviews/995/iron-man-2/