Tag Archives: javier bardem

More Dark Tower casting rumors!

Dark Tower

The Dark Tower

As a huge Dark Tower fan you guys know that I’m constantly listening for rumors and such of casting for the new miniseries/movie. The whole Javier Bardem as Roland thing still rubs me the wrong way (as that’s the only confirmed casting that I can find at the moment) but I’ll try to reserve my final judgment until I actually see his performance. For all we know he might be brilliant in the role.

But today I caught a whiff of another casting rumor from a friend on twitter. The source is IMDB which can be unreliable but it did make me cross my fingers in hope.

“The Dark Tower” on the Silver Screen – A Geek Girl’s Opinion

The Dark Tower

photo via obsessedwithfilm.com

So…I’m listening to Stephen King’s Dark Tower series on audiobook and remembering all the things I love about the series. I’ve read the books countless times but until recently I only had the audiobook for “The Drawing of Three”. Now I’ve managed to get all of them and I’m currently listening to “The Wastelands”. Well…I’m listening when I’m on break or at lunch. Still, it’s good even in 10 minute doses and makes for perfect listening material while knitting Jayne Hats.

As much as I love the series I have to admit that I’m terribly worried about seeing it in a visual format. I mean, they’re talking about making a miniseries and movie out of the books and while I think it could definitely be interesting, I’m worried that they won’t be able to do it justice. The books are so complex and rich that I don’t think you can convey that all on a screen. My other huge concern is the actors that they’ll get to be in the movie.