Google Goggles Boggle the Mind

April 5, 2012 Stuart Pitchford 0

A little while back we talked about Google Goggles (Rumored name: Google Eye) and what that would be like. Well, Google came out with a concept video to show us what it might look like to use the goggles.

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Android 3.0 or HoneyComb for tablets

January 5, 2011 William McDonald 0

The Consumer Electronic Show (CES) is finally here. Lots of announcements. Too many in fact to share with you on our little site.  I will post a few things that I find interesting from other websites. First I will start off by posting a video(was accidentally released) that shows off Android 3.0 [Click here to view more]

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Google search with Pac-Man!

May 21, 2010 William McDonald 1

Google has always been creative with their images above their search bar. We have seen many images related to holidays and other events such as the Olympics. Today is the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man and Google has outdone themselves yet again. If you visit Google you can actually play the classic Pac-Man game where the [Click here to view more]