The GeeksFTW has some new and changing things coming in the furture. The GeeksFTW Podcast, on it’s 3rd year, is back to a live show. This time we are using instead of Ustream, because we don’t like ads that completly intrupt the show. So please join us every Wednesday and join in the chat room. You can find the Stream at or If there is Bonus Content that will be live before the show.
We are also taking the I Recommend segement and turning that into it’s own podcast. I Recommend will be a bi-weekly podcast that will recorded live on the stream. Keep an eye on The GeeksFTW twitter to see when we will be streaming.
We are also starting a weekly game night video stream on The night of the week and the name is still being determined. At first it will be PC games only until a replacment for broken equipment can be bought. Each show will be archived at
You can view our live recording schedule at
Hope to see you in the chat.