Did anyone really expect a game like Duke Nukem Forever to ship when people said it would? Not that I wasn’t hoping it would, but it always just seemed…right that DNF should be delayed one last time. Gearbox has pushed the decade-in-the-making game back a month and a half from its original May 3rd release date for a currently unknown reason. However, I’d have to imagine that it’s fairly significant. Gearbox has seemed very intent on making this date. However, they’ve put out a video to tide you over until the game launches. Oddest to me about this is that the international release date is now 4 days prior to the North American launch, as opposed to the original plan to go international 3 days afterwards. I’m a tad disappointed that DNF won’t be launching on my birthday, but c’est la vie. I can wait a month and a half more.