Defy Gravity on Xbox Live

You may or may not have read my review on the indie game Defy Gravity. If you have then awesome. If you haven’t then check it out here. The reason why I bring this back up is this fun game is now on Xbox live. Its under the indie games for 80 points. Thats only $1. That is a great deal for this game. I highly recommend you search this on your xbox or go on the xbox market online here for it. Great little game for only $1. If your still not sure then try the free trial game of it then.

About William McDonald 678 Articles
Owner of TheGeeksFTW and Host of The podcast

1 Comment

  1. Loved your original review, finally got a chance to download it over XBL. I had 100MS pts left figured I buy a ganme rather than buying some imaginary avatar t-shirt, or glasses. Surprised they havent brought it out for mobile devices yet the controls seem to be a good fit for an adaptation of touch based platformer, but good game “I’d by that for a dollar!”

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