Category Archives: PSA

Geek Love of the Day from!

I have to admit, I love my friends that introduced me to the wonders of They offer a deal on a t-shirt design (that’s almost always geek related) for 24 hours. The deal is $9 plus shipping.

How can you beat that?

The only problem I have is remembering to check the site each morning.

I’m already the proud owner of a really cute Harry Potter Quidditch t-shirt and today I ordered another one. When you see the design it’s quite possible you won’t be able to resist it either:


Yep. Isn’t that great?!

The artist combined my eternal love for the Muppets with Battlestar Galactica and put it on a t-shirt. I’m in geek heaven and just biting my nails until that puppy gets delivered!

Keep in mind, the deal ends at 11:59pm Eastern time tonight (the 24th) so if you want to catch it, run over right now!

(Now fess up…how many of you just ordered one?)

It’s that time of the year – NaNoWriMo!

It’s November 1st. Time to put away the costumes and makeup (unless you’re a totally costuming geek like me), the decorations and skeletons and take a look at what November holds. If you’re a geek who loves to write, be it novels, short stories or even fanfiction (yes, I’m a proud fanfic writer) you might be working toward your first day’s word count in NaNoWriMo.


NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is a fun event that starts on November 1st and ends at midnight on November 30th. The idea is to write a novel that is 50,000 words long in just 30 days. There’s no cheating by bringing in something you’ve already been working on. You are on your word of honor that you are starting from scratch on the first. To make it easier, most folks break it up into the daily word count goal of 1,667 words. Even that is a tough goal when you have distractions such as work, kids, health and life in general.

The rules are pretty basic. It has to be a continuous novel, grammar and spelling aren’t a concern, absolutely non-sense just to get your word count up is frowned upon and so on. All of it is done on the honor system, however, so they leave it up to you to keep yourself in line. They don’t limit to the genre and even fanfiction is fine to write. Whatever makes you happy.

I’ve participated in NaNoWriMo since 2007. The first two years that I jumped in I ended up falling behind in my word count goals almost immediately. Last year I decided to give it another try, this time telling myself that no matter what, I would make that word goal each day. I wrote every chance that I could. I even went to a couple of write-ins. (That’s where a group of folks get together for a few hours and do nothing but write on the novels, maybe even playing a few speed writing games.)

And I made it. I ended up with just over 51,000 words for the month.

This year I’m participating again. I’m determined! The piece I’m writing is even semi-fanfiction so my geek gets to show in this crazy competition.

So, how many of my fellow geeks are going to be putting on their writing hats and churning out novels this month? I’m totally curious and would love to have more writing buddies! And if you’re writing fanfiction, I’d totally want to know your fandom. 🙂 You can catch me on the NaNoWriMo site as: Rumielf. Browse the forums and you can check out what writing events are happening in your region. Totally go to a write-in or two if you can. They are not only fun but they will get your word count moving along faster than you expect.

Getting my geek on – Geek Media Expo Vol. 2

Bob & Carl with Timmy

Bob & Carl with Timmy

This past weekend I attended, performed and worked at a local Nashville convention called Geek Media Expo (GMX). This year marked the second year for the con (I happened to work it last year as well as VIP assistant) and I admit that I had an awesome time this year.

The special guest lineup was most excellent and I had the chance to meet Jeph Jacques, Bob & Carl: Sci-Fi Janitors, Dominic Keating and Garrett Wang along with a slew of other folks. In between running from my panels to performances, being painted green and then washing it all off and trying to find time to eat a bite or two, I did get the chance to hang out with various friends who had come into town for the convention and others that I’ve seen at every convention I’ve worked since the Tattoo & Horror Festival in April. (yep, 4 conventions this year that I’ve run into them at so far)

I didn’t spend a lot of money on stuff, though I was sorely tempted. I did purchase the Questionable Content book which Jeph autographed for me. That was pretty much my only purchase though I happily browsed the dealer room and wandered the guest tables, looking longingly at other merchandise.

This weekend I was also keeper of the Timmy from I have three costumes for him currently in my possession and he happily wore two of them to the convention: a “THE” shirt from Questionable Content (and yes, Timmy got his picture with Jeph Jacques, the created of QC and a Jedi outfit, complete with lightsaber. That last outfit got quite a few smiles and he posed for pictures with Bob & Carl and even the entire group of folk who attended my panel on Jedism (and the other 2 Star Wars panels I ran).

There were some great events including an Orion Slave Auction where you could bid on folks who were offering services like “Pool Party Escort” or “20 minute massage”. Me, I had a friend airbrush me green and I offered a front row, no wait seat to the showing of Repo! The Genetic Opera that my cast was performing at. There was a small bidding war for me and that prize but the final amount was $90. All the money from the auction was being donated to St. Jude’s and we actually raised quite a bit during that event.

The Race of the Tauntauns was another event that was hilarious. We had the slight problem of having only one Tauntaun sleeping bag….so with the help of Brian and Crispy from WhattheCast, we improvised an “imaginary” tauntaun sack race. They provided the commentary and interviews with the 11 racers. We also had 3 obstacles: a guy in a Jar Jar mask who laid on the floor and had to be hopped over, Amanda in a Greedo mask that had to be shot before she shot them, and finally the racers had to stop by Garrett Wang’s table and get their photo taken with him. As the racers approached the finish line they had to hop in slow motion and were penalized if they sped too fast through that part.

Here’s what made it so hilarious…

Imagine them doing a sack race without the sacks.

That’s right. Our racers basically pretending to have Tauntauns that they had to mount and we made them hop the length of the course as through they were really wearing a sleeping bag.

There was a bonus treat for Repo! and RHPS fans on Saturday night. A true Science Fiction Double Feature with back to back showings of those two cult films complete with shadowcast performances. Our local Repo shadowcast, Testify!, rocked the showing that night!

Now that the con is over I’m already looking forward to next year and it just spurs on my excitement for Dragon*Con when I’ll get to see many of these folks again!

Did any of you attend GMX this year? What were your favorite panels or events? (bonus points if you happen to claim it was one of the crazy things I was involved in)

Wanted: New GeeksFTW Crew members

We are looking to expand a little. First we are looking for more writers. Writers are able to share their geeky interests,review all sorts of entertainment, Geeky news articles and more. Next we are looking for guest hosts for our podcast. If your a listener and feel like you could bring something to the GeeksFTW table then be sure to contact us. Lastly we are looking for someone who knows about WordPress/web design to help out. Thats it. Anyone who contacts us will get a response. People interested in writing will need to submit a writing sample. People wanting to guest host will be asked a few questions and put on the list(Just created) of potential guest hosts. All hosts need is a mic and free skype account. For anyone who is interested be sure to contact us at That said we look forward to all responses.

Save TheGeeksFTW?

Dear Readers/Podcast Listeners,

We are currently looking for people who would be interested in helping out with writing for the site as well as the podcast. If you or somebody you know would be interested then feel free to send us an email at . I for one don’t want to see us go the way of the DoDo bird. Here at TheGeeksFTW we allow one to write or talk about what they enjoy or are passionate about. Don’t hesitate if you are interested. We are looking for help quick before we say good-bye for good. I look forward to reading any and all emails that are sent to us regarding our call for help. Thank you

Yours truly,



We had so many great games, movies and so much more come out at the beginning of the year. So much that I’ve heard people wonder if the 2nd half would be able to deliver the goods. Well I’m going to give you a quick glimpse of whats coming out in September. I believe this is probably the best month of the year for entertainment and here is why:

Theater Releases

Machete– Sept 3-What started out as a spoof trailer for the movie Grindhouse has become a highly anticipated movie.

Resident Evil:Afterlife-Sept 10- I know most gamers think these movies are horrible, but if you can step away from the games and look at it as just a movie they are enjoyable. This one is the 4th in the series and is suppose to use the same 3D cameras that made James Cameron’s Avatar a unique visual experience.

Blu-ray/DVD Release

Killers-Sept 7- I cant personally say much about this movie. It looks to cater the female audience more then male.

MacGruber-Sept 7-Yet another comedic Spoof movie. Though it didn’t look good enough to see in theaters I’m sure it will be a decent rent and maybe it will be on Netflix Instant Watch soon

Letters to Julliet-Sept 14-Again this is another movie that would attract the attention of the female audience.

Prince of Persia:The Sands of Time-Sept 14- Yet another video game movie that has been thrashed with bad reviews. This is another movie I plan on renting to see how it is for myself.

Robin Hood– Sept 21- What was suppose to be Gladiator 2 ended up turning into another movie about the one and only Robin Hood.

Get Him to the Greek-Sept 28-A summer comedy that kept getting great reviews from word of mouth. I for one am looking forward to watching this.

Iron Man 2-Sept 28- The Sequel to one of the best Comic book movie adaptations. Personally I enjoyed it and look forward to adding it to my collection


Kid Rock-Born Free-Sept 7

N.E.R.D.-Nothing- Sept 7

Linkin Park– A Thousand Suns- Sept 14

Weezer-Hurly- Sept 14

Maroon 5-Hand All Over- Sept 21

Ne-Yo-Libra Scale- Sept 21

Doobie Brothers-World Gone Crazy-Sept 28

Ice Cube-I Am the West- Sept 28

Jimmy Eat World-Invented- Sept 28

Video Games

Borderlands DLC-ClapTrap’s Robot Revolution– The release date isn’t clear,but it has been said to release in September. This will be the 4th dlc for the popular co-op shooter/RPG and is said to be the biggest yet.

Spider-Man:Shattered Dimensions-Sept 7- I know the latest Spider-man games haven’t been the best, but this one looks promising. I’m most excited about the story of it and how the 4 different spider-men will play out.

Cabela’s North American Adventure-Sep 7- I know you might think this is a joke. Its true that odds are you and I are not going to be interested in this game but apparently these games are selling well since they keep releasing them every year.

Halo Reach-Sept 14- Say what you want about Halo, fanboys, and whatever the facts remain that Halo is one of the most popular multi-player gaming franchise

Playstation Move-Sept 17- Again odds are not a lot of us “Hardcore” gamers will be picking this up, but this is a big release in the gaming industry. It will show whether or not motion control gaming will work on the “Hardcore” consoles.

Sid Meier’s Civilization V-Sept 21- Seems like this has been one of the highly anticipated PC game to come out this year. The series has a big following and a reputation for being a fun RTS.

Dead Rising 2– Sept 28- Zombies Zombies Zombies. Lots of people are tired of Zombies. Well I think they will make an exception for this game. Not much to say,but its a sequel to one of the best Zombie games of this console generation.

Plants Vs Zombies-Sept 28- This of course is the Xbox 360 version of the crack like addictive game from Popcap. I have already purchased this on PC and iPod Touch. This will make 3 different versions of the game I have purchased. Safe to say I am probably not alone.

Final Fantasy XIV– Sept 30- I personally am not too excited about this, but I know lots of people are looking forward to this MMO. This is just the PC version. If there is a free trial I will most likely give it a shot, but it is a popular franchise so had to mention it

Overall this month is going to be really good. There is a large variety of entertainment options for everyone. Good thing September is just around the corner.

Writers Wanted!

Do you have an interest in Comics, Movies ,TV , Tech ,Video games,and anything else in the Geek Culture? Do you find yourself keeping up with the latest and greatest? Do you want to voice your opinion? Well we here at The GeeksFTW we are currently looking for new writers for the site. Have you ever wanted to write for a site? Well you might be in luck! Though we want more writers we will not take just anyone. Below are just a few qualifications:

1.Grammar is important. You must be able to write sentences properly although some slang is acceptable

2.Be able to write on a regular basis(1 or more posts a day would be preferred)

3.Must be able to summarize articles from other sources.

4.Must have a passion for either Comics,Movies,TV,Tech, or Video Games

For anyone who is interested be sure to contact us at and be prepared to submit a sample article(topic is writer’s choice) With that said we look forward to adding new members to the GeeksFTW Crew.

Help OFRN Help Veterans

As a Part of the Open Forum Radio Network we support our brother podcasts. Below is a Message from Open Forum Radio:

Open Forum Radio would like to invite you (or your community) to participate in help welcoming returning veterans from the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

As you may know, Miller High Life will be donating up to $1 million to Miller’s High Life Experiences. Each pull-tab or Miller High Life bottle cap will add 10¢ to that goal of $1 million.

Starting the night of Friday July 23rd through the Sunday July 25th, the Open Forum Radio Network will be hosting numerous game nights all the while enjoying Miller High Life in support of our returning veterans. If you are interested in participating here’s some of the need-to-knows.

Participants must of current legal drinking age as of July 23, 2010.
Collect & Pool however many pull-tabs / bottle caps and mail them to:
Open Forum Radio Inc.
739 Ashland
River Forest, IL 60305

Included activities: Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Red Dead Redemption, NCAA Football 11, many more titles for both the X-Box 360 and PS3.

As an official Open Forum Radio Network community event, participants include the co-hosts of “Open Forum Radio” as well as “The 40 Cast”.

Also scheduled to participate will be other gaming communities…

If you need any information or questions please feel free to email Open Forum Radio at:

Thank you for your consideration and participation!

What do you Think?

Here at The GeeksFTW we find this to be a hobby mainly, but just because its a hobby doesn’t mean we don’t want to put out the best quality content we can. So Help us by commenting on this post or send us an email at Let us know how you like the site, any suggestions for shows or the site, or anything else you might have to say. We encourage constructive criticism. We look forward to hearing from you