Category Archives: Comics

Halo Cryptum: Chapter one In its Entirety

“There are those that said this day would never come, what are they to say now”. If your as big of a Halo fan as I, or if you follow any of Greg Bear‘s writings then you know that Halo Cryptum (the story of the Forerunners) has been released and is on sale. If you aren’t or never heard of Greg Bear feast your optics on the first full chapter of this new Novel based in the Halo Universe right now.

The End: The Incredible Hulk

When I first stumbled upon the comic series The End I was given a copy of The Punisher’s version. This turn into an obsessive and curious intent  to know how some of my favorite marvel characters meet their end. One unlikely hero (in my personal taste) stood out amongst the rest was that Incredible Hulk.

A Creature of Style – The Joker

Bolland Joker

Bolland Joker

Time to spark some controversy and debate.

In the realm of the DC Universe I admit that I’m definitely in the Batman camp. And yet, within that camp my favorite character is…

I’m sure you’ve guessed it.

The Joker.

That’s right. While I have a terrible fear of clowns in general, I can’t get enough of the Joker. Maybe it’s because he openly flaunts being a psychopathic clown. Maybe it’s the snappy purple suits. Who knows? But I adore him. I’m a particular fan of the Brian Bolland version of him in comics with his shape perfectly lean and pointy. With Batman: The Animated Series we added in the voice of Mark Hamill and for me, that’s become THE VOICE I hear even when I read the comics. (If you’ve never seen any of the special features showing Mark Hamill doing THE VOICE, look them up on youtube and prepare to be amazed.) Jack Nicholson in the first Batman movie, while somewhat cheesy maintained the image. (For the sake of this post I won’t go into the abomination of the Monkey!Joker with barefeet and dreadlocks on “The Batman” cartoon)

And that image they all maintained was of style.

Rarely did you see the Joker looking disheveled. Those purple suits, often done as tailcoats, the neatly shined wingtips, the vest and tie. Even his hair was always neatly arranged. When he was locked in Arkham that man could make prison garb look stylish. But everything about him was neat. Heck, there’s many a woman (and man for that matter) who found him drop dead sexy, myself included.

So when Heath Ledger was first announced to play the Joker in “The Dark Knight” many of us pre-DK Joker fans were somewhat offended. Suddenly there were hoards of new fangirls claiming “Finally, the Joker is sexy!”

Pardon? Finally?!

Already Sexy

And while the initial inrritation was over his “sexiness” or lack thereof, it led to more discussion about the character in general and why people like him. Now, don’t get me wrong. I was highly impressed with the now popular Ledger!Joker. I left the midnight opening show thinking he was wonderful and fit in extremely well with the universe that Nolan had created for Batman. And yet…he’s definitely not my favorite Joker. Why is that, you ask?

Because he’s not neat. Gone is the pressed suit with a tail coat and shiny wingtips. Gone is the very careful way he was vain about his appearance. Gone is the paper white skin and permanently green hair. It was replaced with a Joker that instead works for Nolan’s universe but lacks the many things that I found to be appealing about the character himself.

Gone is the style.

So while I can appreciate the Ledger!Joker as an incarnation, and indeed he was great with the acting, the laughter and the wonderful lines, I just can’t find it in me to name him in my favorite Jokers. To me, the Joker was as much a creature of style as he was a murdering psychopathic clown. To take away one takes away part of what makes that character so wonderful, in my opinion.

Now that I’ve opened this can of worms I’d love to hear your thoughts. Are you one of the fans that only came to like the Joker after the Dark Knight? Are you a staunch lover of the original character? Do you like both? Do you hate me for my quick dismissal of Monkey!Joker? Go ahead…let me have it!

Mass Effect 2: PS3 details, so far…

Back when Mass effect 2 was first announced for the PS3 I was overjoyed that all of the Playstation fan-boys would finally be able to experience this incredible space action-drama, and stop bashing it because they didn’t have it.

Arkham Asylum: A maze of archetypes

 Arkham Asylum

I’m not quite sure why I had the sudden urge to whip Batman – Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth off the bookshelf this morning and cart it to work but when such urges strike, I obey. And it’s not like it’s torture to re-read this absolutely amazing graphic novel. On the contrary, I adore this particular one. In fact, this graphic novel is what got me hooked on the Batman comics. It’s not just the art by Dave McKean that’s brilliant but the storyline by Grant Morrison and the Jungian archetypes help pull it all together.

If you’re not familiar with this particular one, here’s a quick synopsis (Spoilers, ahoy!):

The inmates of Arkham have taken over the prison and are holding hostages. The Joker delivers their one demand. Send Batman in. When Batman arrives he is essentially told he has a certain amount of time to make his way through the asylum before the inmates start hunting him. Of course, the inmates don’t stick to that promise and the chase is on.

Batman encounters many of the villains of the Rogue’s Gallery and has to get past them. In this story, each of these villains represents a part of Batman’s psyche, parts that he has to come to terms with. Over the top of this story we learn about Amadeus Arkham (the founder of the asylum) and learn some how of the madness feeds back from the present to the past only to repeat.

After some more climactic scenes (which I’ll leave out so you have some suspense) Batman walks out of the asylum with the Joker bidding him farewell at the door. Perhaps one of my favorite lines might be the Joker’s final words to Batman:

“Just don’t forget – if it ever gets too tough, there’s always a place for you in here…”

And the best part is, even though Batman has made it back out, even he has wondered through the entire novel if he belongs in there as well.

Even if you’ve never read a single Batman comic, go pick up this one and give it a try. Then let me know what you think.

Buffy Motion Comic Review

I just finished the latest episode of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Motion Comic. I want to start by saying the content so far is very short. Each episode is about 11 minutes long, but it is some of the best stuff in the Buffy universe. Fans of the TV Series will truly love this(if they haven’t read the comic) because it connects so much from the series. So far it has brought a few twists and surprises. At the end of each episode I truly have a OMG moment. It is obvious that the comic series is a true gift to the fans. I would highly recommend picking this up if you have not already. The iTunes pass starts at $15 for the SD version. I for one couldn’t wait for the DVD(Hopefully Bluray too) to come out so I had to pick up the pass. I’m curious who else has been watching this and what their thoughts are. Feel free to leave a comment.

Batman: Under the Red Hood(Review)

Its been a while since I’ve viewed anything with The Dark Knight himself. And even then it left a bad taste in my mouth with Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths. Still Batman has been one of my favorites so I figured I’d give Under the Red Hood a viewing. I am breaking this down into three parts. Animation,Voice Acting, and Story will be my three categories for this review. And I will not spoil the story.


The animation seems a bit off from how I’m use to seeing Batman animated. Batman and Nightwing both look decent. The Joker looks horrible. He looks like he is a drug user. Red Hood looks the best out of all the characters. The main problem I have is the way Bruce Wayne,Alfred, and Dick all look pretty bland. They defiantly focused more on the heroes then their real life identities.

Voice Acting

The voice acting is somewhere in the middle of good and bad. Batman/Bruce Wayne is done pretty well. Its not as good as Kevin Conroy, but way better then others. The Joker is pretty bad. The Joker is voiced by John Di Maggio which is best known for his roles as Marcus Fenix from Gears of War and Bender from Futurama.  Di Maggio is great at those roles, but just not a good Joker. Neil Patrick Harris is good voicing Nightwing. Red Hood’s voice is pretty good as well. Overall the voice acting is pretty good,but has a few issues.


The story is pretty generic. The big reveal about Red Hood happens halfway,if not less, through the story. They have recycled a lot of stuff for this story. There was one twist towards the end that was rather cool. Since this is a spoiler free review there’s not much to say more besides it was good enough to keep me watching.


The problems didn’t effect me too much. As a Batman fan I rather enjoyed this animated movie. I would suggest anyone interested to give this a viewing.  I give Batman: Under the Red Hood 3 out of 5.

Buffy Season 8?

I think a lot of us were teased with the cover on this week’s Entertainment Weekly not for the Green Lantern, but for the “The New Buffy” . Well it turns out that the Buffy Season 8 comics are being turned into a Motion Comic. So for all you Buffy fan’s who didn’t want to read comics now you can watch season 8. The first episode debuts on iTunes July 19th and will come out on DVD This Fall. Needless to say I am excited and will be getting the first episode. Expect more from us on this when its released. And leave a comment and let us know what you think.

Ryan Reynolds’ Green Lantern Suit!

By this ring's light...

Here is the cover of Entertainment Weekly with the first image of Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern. Supposedly the suit is mostly CGI and when you think about the source of GL’s power that seems to make sense. I’m a bit torn on it as we are seeing him here out of context, but I do kind of dig the suit. A lot of people are not sure Ryan is the best choice to be Hal Jordan, and that may be valid. However one of the orignal problems with Hal, and why he was replaced for years by Kyle Rayner, was that he was sort of boring in the same way Cyclopes from X-Men is. Reynolds may be able to breath some real life in to Hal, and as long as his GL does not turn into a green Deadpool I am willing to give him a chance.

Spider-Man swings onto Broadway

This is an amusing video from the 2010 Tony Awards. Host Sean Hayes dressed up like Spider-Man and started singing. Then reveals Spider-man the Musical is coming to Broadway this season.

This may be news to some, but it was announced a while back. Music and lyrics are provided by U2’s own Bono and The Edge. It is also being Directed by Julie Taymor whose best known work would probably be Across the Universe which was the Movie/Musical that used music from The Beatles to tell its story. To find out more info you can check out the official Spider-Man on Broadway website.

I know as a Comic book Geek and a Drama Geek I am hoping this does well enough that they go on Tour like a variety of other Broadway Musical’s and Plays do. I also wonder what could be next. Hulk the Musical? Maybe even Dark Knight on Broadway? Time will only tell.