Can you spot the geek?

Friday morning I happened to catching something so incredibly geeky that I had to take  a picture of it. So far I’ve only run across one person who figured it out. First one who reads this blog and guesses it correctly earns 50xp!!


Random Geek

About Elf 83 Articles
I'm a 30 year old geek-girl who not only practices with a lightsaber bokken on a regular basis but I also still write fanfiction. (and I'm proud of both!) I've been a proud geek since I was little, happily calling myself a Trekkie and still loving Star Wars with a passion. My range of geeky love runs from horror (like Repo: The Genetic Opera and Oldboy) to silliness like cartoons and the new Alice in Wonderland and everything in between.


  1. Woot! You got it!

    Actually my current car is the Silver Streaker. (I discovered it’s a bad idea to name your car after anything that blows up at any point. First car was the Spaceball 1….and true to the name…)

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