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The Dead Rise (Again) – A Review

October 4, 2010 Dark DJ 0

There’s a lot to love in Dead Rising 2. That being said, it suffers from a lot of the same…quirks as the first game. In Capcom’s Blue Castle Games have produced the first true sequel to the 2006 zombie-killing romp that took the 360 by storm, ex-motocross father Chuck Greene [Click here to view more]

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Episode 19-Dynamic Duo Returns!

September 21, 2010 William McDonald 1

We are back with another full-length episode of The GeeksFTW Podcast.  Stuart and Myself cover a variety of topics. We start off by talking about his experience with android since getting his HTC Droid Incredible. Then he talks a little bit about the show Fringe. We then jump straight into [Click here to view more]

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August 11, 2010 William McDonald 0

We had so many great games, movies and so much more come out at the beginning of the year. So much that I’ve heard people wonder if the 2nd half would be able to deliver the goods. Well I’m going to give you a quick glimpse of whats coming out in September. I believe this is probably the best month of the year for entertainment and here is why:

Theater Releases

Machete– Sept 3-What started out as a spoof trailer for the movie Grindhouse has become a highly anticipated movie.

Resident Evil:Afterlife-Sept 10- I know most gamers think these movies are horrible, but if you can step away from the games and look at it as just