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The Dead Rise (Again) – A Review

October 4, 2010 Dark DJ 0

There’s a lot to love in Dead Rising 2. That being said, it suffers from a lot of the same…quirks as the first game. In Capcom’s Blue Castle Games have produced the first true sequel to the 2006 zombie-killing romp that took the 360 by storm, ex-motocross father Chuck Greene [Click here to view more]

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Episode 19-Dynamic Duo Returns!

September 21, 2010 William McDonald 1

We are back with another full-length episode of The GeeksFTW Podcast.  Stuart and Myself cover a variety of topics. We start off by talking about his experience with android since getting his HTC Droid Incredible. Then he talks a little bit about the show Fringe. We then jump straight into [Click here to view more]