Tag Archives: beetlejuice

“Beetlejuice bothered your dog…” – The animated Beetlejuice

There are times when I realize how much of a kid I still am. And there are many times when I realize how all my friends are still kids like me. (I mean, a NYE party where we watched old Saturday Morning Cartoons from midnight until 8pm the next day?) Last night it hit me again that I don’t think I’ll ever really grow up…all because of one thing I was watching…

Beetlejuice Cartoon

Beetlejuice Cartoon

If you’re my age (around 30) then you probably had the joy of watching the cartoon Beetlejuice on Saturday mornings for a few seasons when you were younger. It’s also quite possible that you haven’t seen any of those old episodes since you were a kid. (it ran from 1989-1991) Not many of the original episodes were ever released on VHS (only about 7 tapes with most of the first season) but there were 3 episodes released on the 20th anniversary dvd of the movie.

Music for snowy mornings – “Edward Scissorhands”

Edward ScissorhandsAs you already know, I have a love affair with Danny Elfman’s music.

This morning I deviated from my current obsession with Beetlejuice and instead of listening to that soundtrack during my morning commute I was inspired by the snow flurries to put in the music from Edward Scissorhands. A coworker had reminded me about the beauty of it when I was talking about my love of the Beetlejuice soundtrack. She mentioned that she often played it when laying her grandson down to sleep. Just after that conversation I went and found my copy of the soundtrack and set it out where I’d be able to just grab it and go but continued on with my unexplainable Beetlejuice fascination.

Even more music to make you feel epic – Beetlejuice

BeetlejuiceWell, this music might make you feel more manic than epic but it’s still some awesome music.

There are some composers whose work is extremely recognizable. For me, Danny Elfman is the one that I can pick out usually within a few notes. While I’d heard his stuff with Oingo Boingo growing up I don’t think I sat up and paid real attention to his music until I watched Beetlejuice. I remember being young and knowing that just the opening chords of the main title, complete with the creepy sounds of “Daylight come and me wan’ go home…” scared me even then but I loved the music.