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3DS Video Review Extravaganza!

March 25, 2011 Cookie 1

As many of you will know I have been anticipating the 3DS launch for a few months. The fact that we Europeans get it a whole two days before you unlucky Americans meant we at GeeksFTW have taken the opportunity to have a somewhat casual video review of it before [Click here to view more]

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Episode 32- Apple hurts Podcasters

February 15, 2011 William McDonald 1

We are back for another long show, but shorter than last weeks! The title of the show is mainly to focus on our final topic which we briefly discuss Apple removing a feature off iTunes for podcasts.  We discussed a lot of topics and had some really good discussions. Show notes with [Click here to view more]

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Killzone 3: Single Player demo coming

January 26, 2011 Henry Knox 0

Finally, time for Playstation 3 owners to get some early, free time with an upcoming shooter. Sony plans to release a free demo of Killzone 3’s Icy Incursion level, which takes place about halfway through the game, next month.

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Nintendo 3DS: Price, Release, & More Revealed

January 19, 2011 Henry Knox 3

We’ve been waiting for this for a while, but it’s arrived: Nintendo has finally announced upcoming details of thier new attempt to revitalize (not that it needed to) its DS handheld games console, with the new 3DS.