Category Archives: Games

Retro Rocket: Resident Evil 2

In all the years I have been playing games there has not been a game I anticipated more than Resident Evil 2. I was a big Nintendo fan back in the day and did not immediately buy into the PlayStation when it first came out. After a few late night sessions with the original Resident Evil at a friend’s house though, I worked my butt off at a crappy retail grocery job to save up the funds to get a PS before  RE2 came out. I actually remember reading gaming magazines on my breaks at work that talked about the game and just dreaming of what it would be like.

When it finally came out I went to Wal-Mart, money in hand, and then walked out with a brand new PlayStation and the game. It is one of my happiest gaming memories. I remember rushing home and hurriedly ripping open the box to hook up everything up. I had even made sure to schedule the next day off so I could have maximum time with the game. I put a lot of effort into getting to play RE2 and oh…oh how I was not disappointed. I can never tell you the sheer amount of hours I have put into RE2 but I can tell you that all you have to do is mention the game and I can hear various pieces of the soundtrack in my mind.

What set RE2 apart from it’s previous game was scale. Everything was bigger in this game. In RE1 you fought your way though a mansion, in RE2 you fight your way though a city, a police station, a sewer, and more. The police station alone was easily as big if not bigger then the entire mansion. Instead of two or three zombies on screen you could have huge packs of them. You can get backed into a corner really quickly and the game likes to keep the pressure on. Unlike the first game you discover VERY early on there is more to the outbreak than zombies and you are kept on edge with fewer breather moments. The best example of this is the very beginning of the game. Rather then place you in a safe mansion hall, you start on a burning street in the middle of a pack of zombies.

RE2 also differs in tone from the first game. While both are video game equivalents to B-movie or George Romero type zombie movies, the first game is more like a mystery while this one is more of a thriller. That tone is set from the start as the goal quickly becomes just to find a way out with all other goals fading to the background. In every room you can see turned over furniture, strewn papers, phones off hooks, and other signs that only a short time ago horrible things were happening as people faced their end.

The music in this game also adds a layer of tension. It is somber, disheartened, and sad. It enforces the tense and desperate situation your in. It only lets up rarely when you meet with your comrades again, but the dark atmosphere ramps back up when your forced to go it alone. Sound actually plays an important role in the game. Each enemy has it’s own distinct sound so if you listen you can tell what is around the corner..and shudder in fear when you realize your dealing with a huge pack of zombie dogs. I can remember climbing down a ladder and walking a bit, then hearing the pitter-patter sound of paws and cursing.

RE2 delivered on every level for me and to this day stands as the benchmark game of the series. Every other game has had to compare itself to this one. You will not find more game for your money then or now. Thanks to it’s “zapping” system each character had their own disc. Depending on what order you played them in significant elements in the story would change. Leon A / Claire B would be a very different experience than Claire A / Leon B. Also, playing Leon first and making certain decisions could help or hinder Claire during her game and vice verse. While each character’s B game sent you to basically the same places but in a different order, it added a new boss and quite a few totally new areas. Actually, only by playing though an A then B scenario could you even see the true ending of the game. In addition to that there were two unlockable mini-games you could play if your game Ranking was high enough. In later versions a third mini-game was even added.

Resident Evil 2 was one of the best looking games during the original PlayStation era. I know it does not hold up against the newer games but if you have never played it, please find a way to. It is a very important game in the history of gaming and one you should say you have played.

Van Redd Reviews: Crackdown 2

If you can’t guess Crackdown 2 is the sequel to the original Crackdown. Unlike the original this game does not have a Halo Beta to coast on for sales, not to mention a lot of behind the scenes drama over it’s development. You see Crackdown 2 was not developed by Real Time Worlds, they are too busy with making A.P.B a massively multiplayer failure. Instead, Ruffian Games picked up the slack but only after Microsoft seemed to flip flop on making the game to begin with.

Ok now that the history lesson is over with let’s get down to the nitty gritty truth. Crackdown 2 is really just an upgraded Crackdown 1 with a few additions and oddly a few subtractions. While you lose vechiles that chagne as your driving skill improves, you gain helicopters, pinging for orbs (like Infamous), and a niffty wing suit to glide around in. Gone are a series of gangs and bosses to fight, they are replaced by a terrorist group known as Cell. A second antagonistic faction are the Freaks, the mutants who come out during the cover of night. The main crux of the game is to power up beacons to destroy these Freaks. You do this by taking over things called Absorbtion Units that are scattered thoughout Pacific City. You have to usually power up three of them in an area before you can do a beacon misson, which are bascially the “boss” fights of the game.

Ok, let’s be honest. The game is very repetitive, almost insanely so. Having played games enough I can see why Ruffian went with this model of gameplay. Someone can drop in your game at anytime and not miss out really anything. A player can drop in your game and know what they need to do with no real backstory needing to be explained. If you drop into a Coop game of Gears you could be at any point in the story and have no clue what the hell is going on, not so in Crackdown. Now I am NOT saying I agree with this choice, merely that I kind of see what they were thinking.

Speaking of repitiion, you will recognize most places as you are in the same old Pacific City. Now to be fair the city is ten years older and much MUCH worse for the ware. Buildings are in flames and/or falling over, most sections are warzones, and after dark a sea of mutants roam the streets for blood. Many will deride Ruffian for copy and pasting the city, but if you played the first game it is kind of neat to see how the city has changed. I think they should have done a lot more to make the city feel different, but in and of itself being in the same city is not a deal breaker at all.

The dealbreaker for this game is all in how you intend to play it. If you intend to play this game mainly as a single player game you will HATE it. It is repetitive, boring, and devoid of engagement with you. If you have a good group of friends to play Co-op with, you are going to have a really great time. The saving grace of this game is just how much fun it is to gang up with three other friends (double the last game’s number) and cause as much havoc as you can. Lonely orb hunts become treasure hunts with friends. Having someone to talk and goof around with really is a huge amount of fun and has kept me going back long after I completed the game.

The game is not without a large share of bugs, which to be fair all sand box games are. My friends and I have run into numerous bugs with most of them being centered around the helicopter. I have had it explode for no reason on the helipad to a being on it when a friend took off and it appearing in my game that we were still sitting on the pad. I have had abilities seemingly not level up only to leave the chopper to gain a new level. I have struggled to make my agent climb up to a hidden orb on a tricky ledge only for him to decide to ignore me so he can fall to his death. I have even had a friend get knocked into a type of first person mode which is how we got this choice gameplay shot.

Bottom Line: I honestly think Crackdown 2 would have benefited from being a $40 game. If you are more of a solitary gamer, or if your friends don’t plan on getting this game then you are better off renting. If you know that some of your friends are getting it then I feel good about recommending it to buy. Just goofing off with some buddies has been some of the best times on LIVE I have had. Just know what you really want out of the game before you commit to anything.

This cake is not a lie!

I know people are tired of the Portal cake reference, but what else am I suppose to title this? Its a well designed Wedding Cake for a gamer that I found over at .The detail is pretty impressive. There is not much more to say about this other then the fact that its purely awesome. Let me know what you think. How would you make this cake better?

Source via

Final Fantasy XIII: A story in pictures!

Hey there champ! Did you just get your brand new copy of Final Fantasy XIII for your system of choice? Well you’re in for a time buddy let me tell you! Did you know you can break down the average user experience of someone who plays Final Fantasy XIII into six simple stages? Let’s take a look at them now!

STAGE ONE: Happiness (Hours 1-5)


Here you are fresh from your store of choice. You just spent a hefty chuck on of change or traded in some really treasured games on FF. You loved all the others…even Nine…hell even Final Fantasy X2. You sit down and open up your system and with trepidation and excitement you put in your disc. The game loads up and you begin. You’re first few hours are really slow and seem odd but hey, your just getting started and a little hand holding is expected right? I bet your thinking it’s going to pick up really soon.

STAGE TWO: Confusion (Hours 6-20)

When do I get three party memebers.

Well you would be wrong! In fact, dead wrong! You’re going to be going straight hallway after straight hallway with only two members of your team for a long…long…LONG time. Oh and you best get used to nothing making a bit of sense. You see in past Final Fantasy games too much time was wasted on explaining things like plot…or why the characters decide to take the actions they take. FFXIII is far to concerned with making speeches that don’t really make sense but try to illicit emotional responses that are unearned.

STAGE THREE: Anger (Hours 21-55)

At this point your getting pretty steamed. Even though the game was nice enough to give you a small bit of fun when you finally get to do some side missions, your fleeting joy saddens when you realize that eventually your going to have to go back to the pointless story. They combat is so fun, yet they never give you a break from it so you can savor it and take a breather. The characters you enjoyed at first, then later put up with, are now gnawing on your last nerve with their stupid stupid over dramatic dialogues.

STAGE FOUR: Hate (Hours 55-85)

Destruction and Mayhem

You get to the end of the game and have had enough. The harsh realization that your never getting all of that $60 back begins the eroison of your soul that the idiot characters chip away at all though the game. Things you like about the game fade, like the combat, fade into the mist of your white hot rage. You have had enough of Snow whining like a bitch, enough of Vanille sounding like she has diarrhea every battle, and you certainly can’t take any more jackassery from the plot that refuses to go anywhere.

STAGE FIVE: The Reckoning (HOURS N/A)

Hammer Time

You are now a slavering beast. Things like conscious though, showers, and hygiene are meaningless in your new world of blind venomous rage. You slam on the eject button, rip the DvD (or Blu-Ray) out and proceed to do things to it, that if it were a person, would land you some serious jail time. Your at the point that you print photos of the characters just so you can burn them and stomp them to bits of ash.

STAGE SIX: Catharsis (HOURS N/A)

The evil vanquished at last you begin to go about your life again. You will never be what you once were. The scars will always sting. You have been forced to bear a greater weight then even Frodo. Your only recourse is to clense your spirit wish something that can sooth your pain, but only one thing can make you believe in good JRPGs again…..

Halo Reach Achievements Leaked

According to Halo Reach will have 49 achievements total. Twenty-three are campaign specific achievements. They have been seperated into different groups.These are the following: Campaign (23), Firefight (7), Multiplayer (4), Training (6) and Player Experience (9) Below is a list of achievement and how to obtain them. Enjoy!

  • A Monument to All Your Sins – Complete each Campaign Mission on Legendary – alone.
  • Banshees, Fast and Low – Hijack a Banshee during the Reach Campaign.
  • Yes, Sensei – Earn a First Strike Medal in a Matchmaking game.
  • A New Challenger – Complete all of the Daily Challenges in a given day.
  • Make It Rain – Purchase an item from the Armory that requires the rank of Lt. Colonel.
  • If They Came to Hear Me Beg – Perform an Assassination against an Elite to survive a fall that would’ve been fatal.


Dead Rising 2 Practice

If you can’t wait for Dead Rising 2,like me, and you prefer traditional slow moving or shuffling zombies which take a shot to the head to go down then you’re in luck.

I have put together a list of 10 Xbox 360 zombie games which is more than enough to keep you occupied until the zombie fest that is Dead Rising 2!!!

Bare in mind these games are put in order of how well I think the zombies are portrayed and how the overall experience of killing them…… again is.

To give you an idea of how I think zombies should be portrayed here’s a list of what I think zombies should and shouldn’t do:

1. Zombies can’t fly, climb buildings or anything else supernatural for that matter. Think of the human body as a tool kit. A virus only has the same tools we have at its disposal. So there is know way for a zombie to fly unless the human it used to be could fly

2. The only way to kill a zombie is to “shoot em in the head”. The brain is the engine which drives a zombie without it the zombies can’t function.

The however can live without limbs and internal organs as their reanimated body no longer needs them

3. A zombie’s brain power is similar to the slime which first crawled out of the ocean. They operate of pure instinct and not by using intelligence

So now you know the rules I hope you enjoy my video sorry if you don’t like the order or disagree with it remember it’s just my opinion

I’d love to hear your favorite zombie game or what your top 10 list would be so feel to comment =]

Plants Vs Zombies 2?

Found this image on and not much else is said. This could be many things, but the popular rumor is a sequel to the popular tower defense game Plants vs Zombies. I do know a XBLA version is suppose to come out. Maybe that has something to do with it. Another rumor is it being released on Android(Yes,Please!). Almost a month away from the date. I know now I’m looking forward to August 2nd.

More Red Dead DLC

I just got an email from Rockstar talking about their future with Red Dead Redemption DLC packs. I figured I’d share that email with you.

Releasing beginning of August 2010
New active map locations, characters and more
9 New Multiplayer map locations – more than doubling the amount of territories in the Multiplayer Competitive modes
8 New Multiplayer characters – play as characters from Red Dead Revolver
Introducing a new projectile weapon: the Tomahawk, with corresponding Challenges for single player and multiplayer
New Achievements/Trophies
Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE)

New Competitive Modes, Multiplayer Mini-games in Free Roam, and more:
‘Attack and Defend’ Multiplayer Competitive Mode and Challenges
New Multiplayer Horse Races complete with mounted combat
Play as the heroes and villains of Red Dead Redemption as well as 8 additional multiplayer characters
Multiplayer versions of Liars Dice and Poker from the single-player game
Introducing a new weapon: the Explosive Rifle, with associated Challenges available in single-player and multiplayer
New Achievements/Trophies
Release date TBC
Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE)

Delve deeper into the world of Red Dead Redemption with new Modes, Challenges and Gang Hideouts to discover:
Additional Free Roam Challenges
New action areas and defensive placements
Posse Scoring / Posse Leaderboards
New ‘anti-griefing’ measures in Free Roam
Release date and pricing TBC

Ghost towns and cemeteries come alive in a West gone horribly wrong:
Brand new single player adventure, challenges and quests
8 New Multiplayer Zombie characters
Additional animals unleashed in the world
New Dynamic events
More details to follow…
Release date TBC

Yes that is right zombies are coming to Red Dead Redemption. And the poker games and liers dice are coming to multiplayer, which we were asking for since day one. I will be buying everyone of these packs the day they come out, and I bet so will William, Jbird, and Faitios will be right there with me.

‘Wave’ Hello to the Xbox Kinect and goodbye to Natal

Today was the first day of the official Project Natal reveal event. But before a scary man with a red nose and green hair could tell the presses, the internet leaked that the name of Project Natal was not Wave but in fact Kinect. Seeing the name doesn’t make me think motion control, Kinect actually makes me think of the latest Microsoft mobile device the Kin. Upon hearing the name I get it more kinetic energy, which makes way more since. Rumors were that Kinect was just a regional name. Thevowel on Twitter, Eric Neustadter Xbox Live Operations Manager a.k.a ‘E’, confirmed the name wasn’t regional by saying “Wow! Congrats to everyone making Kinect happen. That was great! #XboxE3”

The Kinect was not the only thing announced, a slimmer Xbox 360. Leaking the slimmer xbox 360 was an ad that was probably released too early. The ad states that the new Xbox 360 has a 250 GB HDD and integrated Wi-Fi functionality, and compatibility with Kinect. This makes me wonder if my launch Xbox 360 is Kinect compatible, I sure hope so.

Some of the games that are rumored to release are Kinect Adventures (a river raft and obstacle course game), Kinectimals (no joke. It’s a game that allows a player to interact with a variety of cats, such as lions, cheetahs, and tigers), Kinect Sports (big surprise. No need to explain), Joy Ride (the cart racing game that was announced last year at E3), Ricochet (the dodgeball game at last years E3), Milo and Kate (also revealed at last years E3 as Peter Molyneux’s project), Fable III (we already know that one), and finally Brunswick Pro Bowling (my guess is that this might be a bowling type game).

Update: Two more rumored games are MTV Games-developed dance game called Dance Central (which might be the rumored Harmonix-tied Kinect title). A Disney-developed and a LucasArts Star Wars game are also in the works. We might get that Star Wars lightsaber game we’ve been waiting on since 2006.

Game Deals for the Broke

Looking around the web I’ve noticed good game deals and I just wanted to share them. Maybe you’ve been holding out for Super Street Fighter IV,Bayonetta, or even God of War 3. Well here are the best gaming deals I could find.

Super Street Fighter IV- $27.99(360) + $10 Future credit at Amazon. $29.99(360 and PS3) + $10 future credit at Gamestop.

Bioshock 2- $29.99(360,PS3, and PC) at Amazon.

Bayonetta- $34.99(360 and PS3) at Gamestop.

Split Second- $39.99(360) at Amazon.

Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction- $41.(360)+ $10 Future credit at Amazon and Gamestop.

UFC Undisputed 2010- $39.99(360) at Amazon.

Alan Wake- $49.99(360) at Amazon.

God of War 3- $44.99(PS3) at Amazon and $39.99 + $10 Future credit at Gamestop.

3D Dot Game Heroes-$29.99 + $10 Future credit at Gamestop.

Backbreaker- $44.99 at Amazon.