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What the Hell Happened: Cartoon Edition

August 16, 2010 Van Redd 0

What the hell happened to cartoons? If you pursue a standard saturday morning line up in the U.S right now you are going to find a lot of steaming piles of animation.  Remember the days of really imaginative stuff like Thundercats, G.I. Joe, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? I know [Click here to view more]

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Limbo: The Meta Game

July 23, 2010 Van Redd 0

Don’t worry folks, this is going to be spoiler free so don’t worry. A lot is going on in the world of Limbo. While many people who have played the new game from Playdead games have found their way though and got all the achievements, another tale is still going [Click here to view more]

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Van Redd Reviews: Limbo

July 21, 2010 Van Redd 0

Darkness and Light are two of the simplest forms of artistic expression, and yet for all time they have been the most powerful. The subtext is easy to understand…quite primal in fact. Limbo plays to this strength and is one of the most haunting games I have ever played. Haunting [Click here to view more]

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Van Redd Reviews: Crackdown 2

July 17, 2010 Van Redd 1

If you can’t guess Crackdown 2 is the sequel to the original Crackdown. Unlike the original this game does not have a Halo Beta to coast on for sales, not to mention a lot of behind the scenes drama over it’s development. You see Crackdown 2 was not developed by [Click here to view more]

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Back to the Futurama!

July 16, 2010 Van Redd 2

Futurama has been back as a seires for a few weeks now and so far it has been pretty good. I was worried as the movies, while having their moments, felt forced and never really went in the right directions. Here is a rundown of the latest episodes if you [Click here to view more]