Monthly Archives: June 2011

Episode 48-Post E3

We are back for our Post-E3 Show. Sadly Henry is unable to join us, but luckily we get Dark DJ to join us. Once again be sure to pick up our android app. The android App includes special bonus content that can only be found on the android app or you can tune in to our live show. Show notes with links will be below. We really want to know what you think of this episode so please let us know your thoughts. You can leave feedback on iTunes, Zune, Twitter, Facebook, send email to , call our voiceline at 1-347-GeekFTW(433-5389) , or leave a comment below. And remember we are still looking for writers and guest hosts so if you are interested than please contact us. We hope you enjoy!

I recommend: Movie Night!

Hey All. I am setting up a bi-weekly I recommend Movie Night!. Its for anyone who has Netflix and a Xbox 360.  Next Wednesday at 7CST/8EST will be the first one ever. We will be watching Kick-Ass. The day and time isn’t set in stone. I mean next week will be but might be on a different day and time the following weeks. There are currently 7 spots available.  Best way to reserve your spot is to comment on this post. I will tweet right before the Movie Night and if we have free spots available then I will inform everyone who follows me on my twitter account.  And you can send me suggestions for the next movie night on twitter, comment here, or send us an email at We hope you can make it!

Deal of the Week!

Onlive is having a crazy deal. If you buy any game that is $10 or more you get a choice of a few goodies. You get a coupon for 100% off towards another game, an onlive game system, or an onlive wireless controller. This seems like a great way and cheap way to give Onlive a try.  I plan on taking advantage of this deal. And the deal ends Saturday 1 A.M. PDT so you still have a few days to take advantage of this.

Source: Onlive

Sequels in Gaming

Sequels for video games seems to be the majority of video games coming out. In the upcoming future we have Modern Warfare 3, Assassin’s Creed Revelation, Uncharted 3, Far Cry 3, Mass Effect 3, Infamous 2, Halo 4, Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and Gears of War 3 are just the first ones that come to my mind. I probably could go on and on but I will leave it at that for now. Fans of each series are looking forward to a new game but other like myself are a bit weary.

Steven Moffat’s “Jekyll” is a series worth owning


(photo via BBC)

Last night I finally finished a series that I started months ago. (Which is somewhat sad to say as it’s only six episodes long.) I watched the last half of the BBC series “Jekyll”, written by Steven Moffat. I started the series on recommendations from friends and the knowledge that if I loved “Sherlock” I would probably like this one. Not to mention I’m a huge fan of the original novella and actually tried for awhile to determine what might have been in the potion that first changed Jekyll to Hyde, or at least, what might have been the impurity in his orginal batch.

Show Delayed

We were hoping to have a recording at the end of each night of E3 press conferences, but the schedule is crazy this year. All but Nintendo’s is today. We are going to have our Post-E3 show on Wednesday night. We will have it on Ustream and we encourage you to come, listen, and give us your opinion of E3. Be sure to follow our twitter to get the link for the live show. And if you can’t make it then feel free to leave a comment and let us know what E3 news has your excited!

Edward James Olmos on Dexter? So say we all!

Edward James Olmos on Dexter

Look out, Dexter!

So, recently I caught some news on Twitter that has me quite excited and wishing I actually had cable with the Showtime channel.

Edward James Olmos will be joining the cast of Dexter in a recurring role this coming season.

Batarang Controller this Fall

Have you ever wanted a PS3 controller that felt more like the 360? There are many solutions out there, but this is probably going to be the coolest one. Its not only wireless, but the start and select button area looks like a batarang. The actual controller has a sort of batarang shape to it as well. The analog sticks are arranged the same as on a typical Xbox 360 controller. It also has 7 different LED colors to choose. There is also a 360 version, but it is corded(10ft long). It seems The price seems to be $49.99 and available this Fall. I know I will be picking one of these bad boys up for my PS3 gaming. How about you?


Source: Joystiq

Seller Site: Power A

Mystery Contest

I love contest more then the next guy. What I am tired of is the same old contest. Leave a review on iTunes and win a $20 game card of your choosing or game of your choosing. Then there is the Follow me on twitter and RT my tweet to win. All of those are boring and ultimately the winner could be someone who did that just for the contest and isn’t even a fan of your site or podcast. That why I am going to run a surprise contest. The contest starts now and when it ends is a mystery. What do you have to do to win? That too is a mystery. The best way to be qualified for it and get a chance to win is simply be a fan of the site/podcast. Follow us on twitter, facebook, come to the Ustream live recordings, and leave feedback. Feedback doesn’t necessarily mean iTunes reviews. A simple email to , a tweet, a comment on Facebook, or even leave a voice message on our voiceline at 1-347-433-5389. Owning the Android app wouldn’t hurt either(and soon to be iPhone app) There will be multiple winners. This is a contest to simply reward the people who are active listeners, supporters, followers, and loyal fans. I am aware that this is a weird contest but we Geeks are weird so its perfect! I am still working on the details for the prizes. Trying to find something unique and something fans would enjoy greatly. Do you have an idea? Be sure to let us know! And remember any moment you could be a winner!

Onlive soon to be on Android?

Onlive is quickly becoming a contender for gaming. Many people are using Onlive with their PC or have a stand alone box for it. Thanks to a universal wireless controller it looks like soon you will be able to use your Android tablet to play the same type of games that your use to playing on your Xbox 360, PS3, or even PC.

This could seriously be a game changer. When your traveling just bring your tablet and controller and you have access to console type games. Looks like that huge chunk of investment money HTC put into Onlive is now starting to show results. This not only makes android look better, but makes Onlive look fantastic. This could really attract hardcore gamers to get a tablet and/or use Onlive. Let me know what you think. Do you think this is a game changer? Do you think its no big deal? Are you interested in something like this? Be sure to comment and check this video that the guys at Engadget created.


VIA: Engadget