After almost a month of delay the Dead Island On the Fence video is up and running. I wish apologize for the late release, we were having problems with our video hosting site. We found a new one and hopefully this one works. Please enjoy Poeticsoul and myself(CasualTerror) as we kill some beach bums, Zombie beach bums that is.
I’ve been gaming since I was five. I got into online gaming about freshman year of high school. That lead me to finding online communities like TAG and the Gamercast Network. I try to read comic books as often as I can, mainly Spider-man and manga. Like most people nowadays I like to sit down and watch entire seasons of shows in the fewest amount of sittings possible, nothing else matters during that time. I’m also and anime fan. I own a Xbox One and a gaming PC, what else do you need. That’s me in a nutshell.