The GeeksFTW- Episode 261

We are back for our E3 Podcast of 2016! We haven’t really played much new games, but we run down each of the big press conferences and skip over a few things, but cover most of it. We also talk about a few other news topics that are E3 related.

If you are looking for more from us then check out our YouTube Page for game reviews, quick looks and more. We want to know what you think of this episode so please let us know your thoughts. You can leave feedback on iTunes, Twitter, Facebook, Stitcher Radio, send email to , or leave a comment below. And remember we are still looking for writers and guest hosts so if you are interested than please contact us. Show notes will be below. We hope you enjoy!

Show Notes:


About William McDonald 678 Articles
Owner of TheGeeksFTW and Host of The podcast