The GeeksFTW – Episode 151

July 15, 2013 Stuart Pitchford 0

Stuart and William are back podcasting together again. They’ve got some things to talk about after we’ve been away. If you are looking for more from us then check out our YouTube Page for game reviews, quick looks and more. You can also check out our other Podcast I Recommend. We really want to [Click here to view more]

I Recommend- Episode 25

June 14, 2013 Stuart Pitchford 0

Stuart is solo, again, today for I Recommend. He talks about what he’s been watching and some Star Wars news. If you are looking for more from us then check out our YouTube Page for game reviews, quick looks and more. We really want to know what you think of this episode so [Click here to view more]

The GeeksFTW- Episode 131

February 23, 2013 William McDonald 0

This week William and Stuart are guestless yet again. Despite not having a guest it will be a great show. They have some interesting topics to discuss. They talk about Anime, Comics, Video Games, tech and more. To get specific they talk about Dragonball Z, PS4 announcement and more! If you are [Click here to view more]

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Geek Video: Powerpuff Girls meets Star Wars

February 21, 2013 Stuart Pitchford 0

Have you ever wondered what the love child of Star Wars and the Powerpuff Girls would look like? Well wonder no more because animator Lin Zy has created that for you. This is going to be a webseries and you can enjoy future episodes over at This is the first episode.