Tag Archives: Left 4 Dead
Co-Op gaming and me
I’ve been gaming for a long time. I started by when I was 3 years old. I would play the original Nintendo Entertainment System or NES. I of course was young and had help from my father a lot. So I basically started out playing games Co-op. Taking turns on Super Mario bros 3 mostly. Later I would get a Sega genesis and my half-brother would move in with us and away from his dad. We would play Sonic all the time playing as Sonic and Tails. Then I got Zombies Ate My Neighbors. This game really did co-op right and it still holds up on the Wii virtual console/ original Genesis version.
My next big step in gaming would be when I got a PlayStation 2 or PS2 at launch. I would play the Tony Hawk Pro Skater games(PS1 versions till they released them on PS2) as well as Tekken, Ready 2 Rumble and others. I remember mostly playing single player games on the PS2 and that’s when I slowly and surely stopped playing games. Between lack of Co-Op games and Jr. high/ High School I stopped playing video games all together. Right towards the end of High School I picked up a used PS2 slim with Guitar Hero and Killzone. I instantly fell in love with Guitar Hero(which I eventually migrated to Rock Band). I remember a friend telling me I could hook my PS2 Slim to the internet and play Killzone online. It was amazing. I soon bought a USB headset and ended up joining a Clan in Killzone. I hear a lot of people bash on Killzone, but to me it was my first taste of Online console gaming, and I was hooked.
When High School was said and done I ended up getting myself a Xbox 360. And I soon started playing tons of Co-op games with a friend via splitscreen. Some of the first games I played was Army of Two, Rainbow 6 Vegas 2,Spider-man Friend or Foe and Halo 3. Then I found Talkingaboutgames and eventually started this site and the podcast associated. Lately I’ve been continuing my Co-Op gaming with games like Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Borderlands, Halo Reach, Gears of War 2 and a few others.
Needless to say I wouldn’t really be gaming much without co-op gaming. Although I do play single player games I prefer Co-Op if I have the choice. That said feel free to hit me up on Xbox live sometime if your interested in Co-Op gaming. Gamertag= Poeticsoul444
Dead Rising 2 Practice
If you can’t wait for Dead Rising 2,like me, and you prefer traditional slow moving or shuffling zombies which take a shot to the head to go down then you’re in luck.
I have put together a list of 10 Xbox 360 zombie games which is more than enough to keep you occupied until the zombie fest that is Dead Rising 2!!!
Bare in mind these games are put in order of how well I think the zombies are portrayed and how the overall experience of killing them…… again is.
To give you an idea of how I think zombies should be portrayed here’s a list of what I think zombies should and shouldn’t do:
1. Zombies can’t fly, climb buildings or anything else supernatural for that matter. Think of the human body as a tool kit. A virus only has the same tools we have at its disposal. So there is know way for a zombie to fly unless the human it used to be could fly
2. The only way to kill a zombie is to “shoot em in the headâ€. The brain is the engine which drives a zombie without it the zombies can’t function.
The however can live without limbs and internal organs as their reanimated body no longer needs them
3. A zombie’s brain power is similar to the slime which first crawled out of the ocean. They operate of pure instinct and not by using intelligence
So now you know the rules I hope you enjoy my video sorry if you don’t like the order or disagree with it remember it’s just my opinion
I’d love to hear your favorite zombie game or what your top 10 list would be so feel to comment =]