I Recommend- Rise of the Guardians SpoilerCast

December 27, 2012 William McDonald 0

The Holidays have delayed this episode a bit but we should be back on track from here on out! This week we discuss Dreamwork’s Rise of the Guardians! Yes, we are both full grown men, but luckily animated movies now seem to be made for children and adults! Be sure to [Click here to view more]

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Westeroscraft After One Year

December 24, 2012 Stuart Pitchford 0

Let’s combine two of my favorite things, Minecraft and Game of Thrones. The people over at westeroscraft.com finished their first year of remaking Westeros in Minecraft brick by brick, not using a rendering program like the World of Minecraft people. Watch the video below and be prepared to pick your [Click here to view more]

I Recommend- Red Dawn SpoilerCast

December 10, 2012 William McDonald 0

Took longer then normal to get the episode up but it is here! This episode we discuss the remake of Red Dawn and compare it to the original. William and Stuart have recently watched both versions for the first time. Each has watched it in different orders. Remember to subscribe [Click here to view more]