Turtle Beach has announced the pre-order of their latest gaming headset. The Elite 800X is the Xbox version of their Elite 800 series, and it is fully wireless for game audio and chat audio. This Gaming Headset seems to be one of the most impressive Headsets for Xbox One. Check out the Overview of the Elite 800X below and check out the source link at the bottom to check out even more features, and to pre-order if interested.
Eliminate unwanted distractions with active noise cancellation in console and mobile modes.
Crystal Clear Wireless
Intelligent channel-hopping for an interference-free wireless experience.
DTS Headphone:X 7.1 Surround Sound
Creates an amazing, 3D 360-degree sound stage with unmatched spatial accuracy.
Enhanced DTS Surround Sound Modes & Presets
Custom DTS Surround Sound modes combine with enhanced Turtle Beach genre-specific presets to further immerse you in your favorite games, movies and music.
Superhuman Hearing
From footsteps to reloads, Superhuman Hearing ensures you hear it all. The exclusive Turtle Beach preset gives you the competitive advantage.
Hidden, High-Quality Microphones
Dual hidden microphones, with environmental mic presets to ensure you are always heard – regardless of your surroundings.
Magnetic Charging Stand
Low profile magnetic charging stand keeps your Elite 800X fully charged without cables.
Bluetooth Versatility
Enjoy wireless Bluetooth connectivity with your mobile devices.
Never Miss a Text or Call
Pair your mobile phone to hear text notifications or take calls while gaming.
Rechargeable Battery
Built-in rechargeable battery delivers up to 10 hours of wireless gaming.
Companion App
Download the Ear Force Audio Hub app for Android to wirelessly change presets on the fly using your mobile phone or tablet.
Swappable Rocker Plates
Easy-to-use rocker plates can be swapped with new designs from turtlebeach.com/plates.
Separate Volume Controls
Set your mix of game and chat volume levels right on the headset.
Mic Monitoring let’s you hear your own voice in the headset to avoid shouting.
Dynamic Chat Boostâ„¢
Even during loud gameplay spikes, chat volume automatically rises to ensure you never miss a command.
Easy Setup
Setup is easy through the USB and optical connections to the magnetic charging stand which doubles as the wireless transmitter.
Elite Membership with Purchase
You demand the ultimate in performance, so you should get the ultimate in benefits**:
•   2-year extended warranty
•   Concierge product support service
•   Free Twitch Turbo trial membership
•   Early access to Turtle Beach news and product information
•   Exclusive offers on TurtleBeach.com store and partner websites
•   Turtle Beach Elite Membership Card
•   Turtle Beach Elite T-Shirt
•   Two free sets of speaker plates