This cake is not a lie!

I know people are tired of the Portal cake reference, but what else am I suppose to title this? Its a well designed Wedding Cake for a gamer that I found over at .The detail is pretty impressive. There is not much more to say about this other then the fact that its purely awesome. Let me know what you think. How would you make this cake better?

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About William McDonald 679 Articles
Owner of TheGeeksFTW and Host of The podcast


  1. Well one way I’d make the cake better is not have Gears of War be the picture on the screen. I am not a Gears fan, I just don’t like the games. Instead I’d have a picture of two sims getting married and have the screen say but you can’t set this one on fire.

  2. Two sims getting married would seem redundant unless you take the bride and groom off of the cake. And the only reason gears was chosen is its a hardcore game. I’d probably have something from mortal kombat and it says “Finish Him”

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