The GeeksFTW- Episode 122

Sorry the Podcast is late, but we do have it up before the week is over with! Stuart had a problem and we had to push the recording back a few days, but we are here! We have a full Geektastic Episode for you all! We also ask that you remember to use our Amazon Link on the site when you are using your Gift cards you get from Amazon this Christmas! Thanks!

If you are looking for more from us then check out our YouTube Page for game reviews, quick looks and more. You can also check out our podcast app. The App includes special bonus content that can only be found on the app. The app is only $1.99 and can be found on the Amazon App Store. We also have the iPhone app that can be found in the Podcast Box app on iTunes. We really want to know what you think of this episode so please let us know your thoughts. You can leave feedback on iTunes, Zune, Twitter, Facebook, Stitcher Radio, send email to , call our voiceline at 1-347-433-5389 (Geek-FTW) , or leave a comment below. And remember we are still looking for writers and guest hosts so if you are interested than please contact us. Show notes will be below. We hope you enjoy!

Show Note Links

  1. Petition to Build the Death Star Gathers Enough Signatures to Rate a Response from the White House
  2. Minecraft: The Story Of Mojang Airs On Xbox Live On December 22
  3. New TARDIS Interior Revealed
  4. Nvidia Tegra 4
  5. Marvel Theme Park
  6. Ultimate Spider-Man returns in January!
  7. Gangnam Style becomes first YouTube video to hit one billion views

Bonus Content Links (Found on our Android App on the Amazon App store and iPhone app in the Podcast Box App)

  1. Android controlled toilet
  2. Makeup Test for Frodo as Gollum Creature in LORD OF THE RINGS
  3. Amazon to produce 6 original pilots for us to pick which will make it
About William McDonald 679 Articles
Owner of TheGeeksFTW and Host of The podcast