The GeeksFTW- Episode 116

We record early this week so we have time to play Halo 4 during the nights following its release today. We are joined with Anthony aka TakemikazuchAIE on twitter. We hear the thoughts on the iPad mini from an Apple fanboy. We also talk about a few other topics such as a sequel series to Boy Meets World, Stealing from Gamestop, our thoughts on Smartglass app for Android, and more.

If you are looking for more from us then check out our YouTube Page for game reviews, quick looks and more. You can also check out our podcast app. The App includes special bonus content that can only be found on the app. The app is only $1.99 and can be found on the Amazon App Store. We also have the iPhone app that can be found in the Podcast Box app on iTunes. We really want to know what you think of this episode so please let us know your thoughts. You can leave feedback on iTunes, Zune, Twitter, Facebook, Stitcher Radio, send email to , call our voiceline at 1-347-433-5389 (Geek-FTW) , or leave a comment below. And remember we are still looking for writers and guest hosts so if you are interested than please contact us. Show notes will be below. We hope you enjoy!

  1. Former GameStop VP pleads guilty to embezzling almost $2 million
  2. What happens when you look up Adam West in the phone book?
  3. Disney Channel Planning Boy Meets World Sequel Series
  4. R2D2 Scooter
  5. Ipad Mini debate – compared to Android and other tablets!
About William McDonald 679 Articles
Owner of TheGeeksFTW and Host of The podcast