The most anticipated MMO, Star Wars: The Old Republic, has finally set a release date. The people at Bioware and EA kept saying the game will be out before this financial year ends, which end in March 2012. But some of us at GeeksFTW (me) kept saying that it will be out this holiday season. Well the MMO will be on store shelves, both physical and digital, on…..
December 20. Europe will have to wait until December 22 before they can play this Star Wars based MMO. The pricing for the monthly fees are normal MMO fees, $14.99 monthly but you can pay $41.97 for three and $77.94 for six months. Luckily you do get 30 days free after you buy the game afterwards you can decide if you want to continue living in Boiware’s Star Wars Universe by pay the monthly fee.
Unfortunately Bioware is not giving out any information about the early access dates, that you get when you pre-order the game. Senior Community Coordinator, Allison Berryman responsed to the massive amount of questions asking about the Early Access, saying,
We don’t have any new information regarding Early Game Access to share at this time. We know everyone is very excited about the release date announcement (we are, too!) and that you can’t wait to get in the game! The beginning of Early Game Access will depend on a number of factors, including results from our Game Testing Program and Pre-Orders, but there will be multiple days of access.