I recommend: Movie Night!

Hey All. I am setting up a bi-weekly I recommend Movie Night!. Its for anyone who has Netflix and a Xbox 360.  Next Wednesday at 7CST/8EST will be the first one ever. We will be watching Kick-Ass. The day and time isn’t set in stone. I mean next week will be but might be on a different day and time the following weeks. There are currently 7 spots available.  Best way to reserve your spot is to comment on this post. I will tweet right before the Movie Night and if we have free spots available then I will inform everyone who follows me on my twitter account.  And you can send me suggestions for the next movie night on twitter, comment here, or send us an email at TheGeeksFTW@gmail.com. We hope you can make it!

About William McDonald 679 Articles
Owner of TheGeeksFTW and Host of The podcast

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