Help OFRN Help Veterans

As a Part of the Open Forum Radio Network we support our brother podcasts. Below is a Message from Open Forum Radio:

Open Forum Radio would like to invite you (or your community) to participate in help welcoming returning veterans from the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

As you may know, Miller High Life will be donating up to $1 million to Miller’s High Life Experiences. Each pull-tab or Miller High Life bottle cap will add 10¢ to that goal of $1 million.

Starting the night of Friday July 23rd through the Sunday July 25th, the Open Forum Radio Network will be hosting numerous game nights all the while enjoying Miller High Life in support of our returning veterans. If you are interested in participating here’s some of the need-to-knows.

Participants must of current legal drinking age as of July 23, 2010.
Collect & Pool however many pull-tabs / bottle caps and mail them to:
Open Forum Radio Inc.
739 Ashland
River Forest, IL 60305

Included activities: Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Red Dead Redemption, NCAA Football 11, many more titles for both the X-Box 360 and PS3.

As an official Open Forum Radio Network community event, participants include the co-hosts of “Open Forum Radio” as well as “The 40 Cast”.

Also scheduled to participate will be other gaming communities…

If you need any information or questions please feel free to email Open Forum Radio at:

Thank you for your consideration and participation!

About William McDonald 679 Articles
Owner of TheGeeksFTW and Host of The podcast