Episode 29- Now with More Geek

GeekPicWe are back for another episode. This time we go a bit long for good reason. We welcome a new addition to the podcast.  In this episode we look at the 3DS Announcement and somehow talk about Sony and the future of the PSP(2). Then we look into what is to come this year in all the different types of media formats. Then an extra special look on the many shooters coming out in the next month. We of course go over our usual segments of the show and we wrap it up with what we want TheGeeksFTW to become in 2011. We hope you enjoy the new addition to the show as much as we are. Once again we encourage feedback. You can leave feedback on iTunes, Zune, Twitter, Facebook, send email to TheGeeksFTW@gmail.com , call our voiceline at 1-347-GeekFTW(433-5389) , or leave a comment below. Remember we are still looking for writers and guest hosts so if you are interested than please contact us. We hope you enjoy!

About William McDonald 679 Articles
Owner of TheGeeksFTW and Host of The podcast