So, recently I caught some news on Twitter that has me quite excited and wishing I actually had cable with the Showtime channel.
Edward James Olmos will be joining the cast of Dexter in a recurring role this coming season.
On the most recent season that I watched on DVD, I was completely taken in by John Lithgow’s character. I truly found the man insanely creepy and he figured in a couple of nightmares…and not in any sexy scary way. And I wasn’t even a huge fan of Mr. Lithgow at the time. Needless to say, I am now.
Knowing how I feel about Battlestar Galactica can you guess how I’m looking forward to this new season of Dexter? I’ll be working hard to avoid any spoilers on Twitter as my many friends with Showtime watch the episodes in real time. Though not much has been released about how his character will fit into the new season’s plot I’m almost positive that it will be wonderfully done.
After all, this is Edward James mother-frakkin’ Olmos that we’re talkin’ about. What is he not amazing in? (And if you’ve see “The Nightingale†from “Faerie Tale Theaterâ€, that doesn’t count!)