Category Archives: Television

True Blood Season 3: Cliffhanger or Letdown?

Tru Blood

Ever since my friend Amanda made me watch many episodes of season one of True Blood in a row I’ve been hooked. At the time she only had seasons 1 & 2 which I devoured happily. From the start I knew my preference lay with Sam and Team Eric as Bill was too broody and emo for me (which may explain why I’ve never really liked Angel). It wasn’t long after that I managed to get my hands on every Southern Vampire Mystery book and read each one in less than a day. Needless to say when season three of the television series started I was ready and eager to see how closely it would follow the books. 

Well, from the start I can say that I had no idea what was going to happen as they branched away from the third book so much. Not that I didn’t enjoy the season. On the contrary, I enjoyed it quite a bit (the Eric, Sam and Lafayette parts more than the Bill parts of course) and I found ways to watch each episode as soon as I could. So when we got to the last episode I was expecting…well…not what the book had laid out but something pretty epic.

Strangely I found that after the episode was over I was left with a feeling of “meh”. I won’t give away any real spoilers but I know that Amanda, who watched that episode with me, expressed a similar opinion. Unlike the ending of seasons 1 & 2 I found that I wasn’t immediately demanding a new episode RIGHT THEN. Yes, I do anticipate season 4, especially if it has certain elements of the fourth book (if that’s the case, I might need a bucket each Sunday to catch the drool) but I’m not craving. Unlike the last episode of season 2.0 of Battlestar Galactica I’m not screaming at the top of my lungs to the ceiling that I can’t wait to know what happens (you know the episode: “I’m getting my men!”)…and that makes me a little sad.

True, I love seeing a good storyline wrapped up nice and neat with just a teaser left dangling but in my favorite shows I love to be left craving the next season. It makes the wait between seasons that much more difficult and the first episode of the new season that much sweeter.

I really hope that season 4 brings back that feeling.

Anyone else (besides Amanda and I) have that experience with the last episode of season 3? Anyone care to debate me on the merits of Bill rather than Eric? Drop a comment below!

Buffy Motion Comic Review

I just finished the latest episode of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer Motion Comic. I want to start by saying the content so far is very short. Each episode is about 11 minutes long, but it is some of the best stuff in the Buffy universe. Fans of the TV Series will truly love this(if they haven’t read the comic) because it connects so much from the series. So far it has brought a few twists and surprises. At the end of each episode I truly have a OMG moment. It is obvious that the comic series is a true gift to the fans. I would highly recommend picking this up if you have not already. The iTunes pass starts at $15 for the SD version. I for one couldn’t wait for the DVD(Hopefully Bluray too) to come out so I had to pick up the pass. I’m curious who else has been watching this and what their thoughts are. Feel free to leave a comment.

What the Hell Happened: Cartoon Edition

What the hell happened to cartoons? If you pursue a standard saturday morning line up in the U.S right now you are going to find a lot of steaming piles of animation.  Remember the days of really imaginative stuff like Thundercats, G.I. Joe, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? I know these things were basically created to sell a toyline but, at least at first, it seemed that writers actually cared about crafting something.

Even later on when Pokemon dominated the air waves it still was a coherent show that had a decent lesson or two each week about friendship. Now more and more we are seeing a decline not only in quality, but in production at all. The rising costs are leaving future generations out to dry. I know, I know that kids can watch Boomerang and see all the old stuff…but I want to discover something new with a son or daughter someday.

Everything today is so sequel and remake focused and the spirit of originality is all but gone now. I have graduated to some decent animes but, it’s just not the same sometimes.

Buffy Season 8?

I think a lot of us were teased with the cover on this week’s Entertainment Weekly not for the Green Lantern, but for the “The New Buffy” . Well it turns out that the Buffy Season 8 comics are being turned into a Motion Comic. So for all you Buffy fan’s who didn’t want to read comics now you can watch season 8. The first episode debuts on iTunes July 19th and will come out on DVD This Fall. Needless to say I am excited and will be getting the first episode. Expect more from us on this when its released. And leave a comment and let us know what you think.

Back to the Futurama!

Futurama has been back as a seires for a few weeks now and so far it has been pretty good. I was worried as the movies, while having their moments, felt forced and never really went in the right directions. Here is a rundown of the latest episodes if you have missed them:

Rebirth: The gang gets reborn, but something is very wrong with Leela.

In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela: Leela and Zap Brannigan try to save Earth from a deadly sphere of death from space (that is in no way the Death Star). They find themselves stranded and alone….and in love?

Attack of the Killer App: Fry and the gang get eyephones and start posting on Twicher. Bender and Fry get into a bet on who can get the most followers, but the evil Mom seems to be behind the new social media. Also, a shocking secret about Leela gets revealed.

Proposition Infinity: Kif is sick of Amy’s constant flirting with “bad boys” and dumps her. While putting herself back out on the market for a guy Amy falls for Bender’s bad boy ways. When other members of society are shocked and angered by their “robosexuality”, Bender and Amy go about raising awareness of why their love should be allowed to thrive.

The DUH-Vinci Code: Professor Farnsworth leads the team on a misson to uncover the secret of the last invention of his hero Leonardo DaVinci. Fry struggles with the knowledge that not only does everyone think he is stupid…that he actually IS stupid. Following the clues the Planet Express crew uncovers a shocking secret about Leonardo.

The show has been nailing it so far. The only episode I have not liked was “In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela” as it just felt like a forced way to get Zap and Leela together for one episode. The other episodes are great with “Proposition Infinity” and “Attack of the Killer App” being quite strong. The best thing I can say about the new season is that it feels like the old show, whereas the movies did not.

Ranting Opinion: Trailers Ruin Movie Plots

Movie trailers today also ruin good plots in movies. Some of the funniest lines of movies are spoiled in movie trailers. Some of the best movie twists are spoiled in movie trailers. With some movies, if you’ve seen enough trailers about the movie all you need a 5 second clip to tell you the ending and you have no reason to see it, because all the characters are introduced, the plot is given away, and sometimes even the ending protagonist and antagonist fight if shown. Guess what 95% of the time the protagonist wins. You can also guess the ending of a movie because basic plots are recycled over and over again. Take the movie Avatar as an example. James Cameron said that he worked on the plot for Avatar for 12 years. From just the trailers I saw of it I could tell someone the rough idea of the plot. Boy is part of an organization, boy gets separated from organization, boy meets girl, girl teaches boy how bad the organization is, organization tries to kill girl’s people, girl’s people blame boy, boy fights organization to win back the love of girl, boy wins and everyone lives happily ever after. I knew all that before I saw the movie because I grew up with movies like Pocahontas and Furn Gully.
Ok here’s what this rant is coming from, I have tried to stay in media blackout over the movie Inception. The keyword there was tried. I watched the first teaser trailer and knew that that movie would be an awesome movie if I see nothing else about it. That’s hard to do when I’m watching TV and a trailer comes on, and I quickly start digging for the remote, and Leo says the word dream just before I change channels. FUCK! Why? Why was that in the trailers? Why ruin the plot of a potentially great movie? To me that’s like putting that Bruce Willis is dead in the trailer for the Sixth Sense. I don’t know, maybe there’s something bigger in the movie Inception. I’ll know more when I see it, but I feel like the movie has been ruined for me. I just wish that trailers showed a lot less of movies and television shows than they do. </rant>

Episode 14- The Dark Passenger Returns

After a longer then expected holiday break we are back! In this episode we get up to date with Dexter. We talk about season 4 in detail as well as make predictions about season 5. We welcome back Matt aka Patriot1030 from . So sit back and relax with a shorter episode of GeeksFTW! Expect a much longer episode next time as we discuss season 5 of Doctor Who.

Johnny Depp as the Doctor?

The word on the web is Russell T. Davies is said to have written a script for a big budget movie for the hit BBC show Doctor Who that is set to release in 2012. Actor Johnny Depp has been cast as the role of The Doctor. With that said who is going to be his companion? Why couldn’t David Tennant have stared in it? So many questions that needs and hopefully will be answered soon.

I will not go into full length detail on this post. To find out more you can visit the source below, or stay tuned to our Doctor Who Season 5 episode of GeeksFTW! This episode will most likely be episode 15 so make sure you subscribe to us on iTunes,Zune, or RSS reader.


Hulu Plus is on the way

Well, it’s finally come. There are now reports that Hulu plans to launch a subscription service in the near future. It’s been rumored for months, but now there’s confirmation. The subscription will cost $10 per month, and will be rolling out to select users as early as later this month. Obviously, if people are going to be paying for this, they’ll want more content, which is why Hulu is reported to be in talks with CBS, Viacom, and Time Warner to add their shows to Hulu’s already sizable catalog. Along with the traditional computer environment, Hulu claims to have options in the work for iPad and, as rumored, video game consoles, along with set-top boxes. Could this herald the end of cable television as we know it? It’s already happening to music purchasing and movie rentals, what’s stopping it from happening to television as well? We live in the internet age, and it seems that cable providers either need to recognize that and form some kind of counteroffensive, or embrace obsolescence.


UPDATE: It’s been all over the place for the past couple of days, but now it’s officially confirmed. Hulu Plus membership invitations will start going out gradually over the next couple of months, starting now. For $10 a month, Hulu’s prepared to offer you an extended catalog that will be available on iPad, iPhone, and select television services. There will also be a PS3 version rolling out in the next few months (possibly exclusive to Playstation Plus subscribers), as well as an Xbox 360 version available to Gold membership subscribers sometime in early 2011.

Deadliest Warrior

I write this review while finishing up my marathon of SPIKE TV’s Deadliest Warrior. As a Geek I have always thought about Ninja vs Pirate, Samurai Vs. Knight, and other variations. This show answers so many of those questions. Using Science they take two warriors and they measure how lethal each weapon can be as well as any defense the warrior might have. It is truly entertaining to watch these warrior’s weapons be tested. When the testing is done they input all the data in a computer program that gives results on who will win. The end of the show is a battle between the two warriors to reveal the winner. There are many shows that test out weapons, but this show is by far my favorite since it puts two warriors against each other. Some of my favorites were Pirate Vs Knight, Irish Republican Army(IRA) Vs Taliban, and SWAT vs. GSG 9. The show has recently started its 2nd season. Its on SPIKE TV frequently so DVR owners can truly catch up fairly quick. I would truly say this is a must watch show for any geek. I would strongly recommend this show. With that said I am truly looking forward to the XBLA game to come out. If you have already watched it before then leave a comment. I’d be curious to hear what you think.