Sometimes you run across a movie that is so disgusting, so filthy, so utterly depraved that you end up actually liking it and recommending it to friends.
“Meet the Feebles†is my love/vomit movie.
If you’ve never seen it, I suggest that you do. First, it’s one of Peter Jackson’s early films and after you watch it you’ll suddenly realize where certain shots and bits in LOTR came from. Second, it’s got some catchy songs in it. One of the songs right near the end is probably one of my absolute favorites (though the title of it probably makes you wonder) and I tend to catch myself singing it in inappropriate places. Third, it’s got muppets! Okay, well…puppets but I call them muppets even so.
Those were the good reasons to watch it. Now for the bad.
Picture this: porn being filmed in a basement by a rat with a cow as the leading lady, a rabbit who loves orgies, a Siamese cat going down on a walrus, a panty-sniffing walrus, a fox obsessed with sodomy, and drugs everywhere.
I often sum it up as: X-rated muppets on acid.
There are so many things that are wrong with this movie that you’ll be torn between laughing, groaning and trying not to upchuck. Yet, for all of that….this movie is hilarious. When I first saw it I thought I’d have to bleach my brain after it ended. Instead, the movie grew on me like a disgusting fungus and of course I felt the need to spread it to other people. I managed to get an old vhs copy of the movie that was already on its last legs when it came into my possession. I watched it and showed it to more folks until the poor tape’s sound and video quality were shot.
There was one moment when I happened to catch it on dvd. It was at Dragon*Con six years ago. At the time I didn’t have a single cent to my name and had to walk past it rather sadly. About a month ago I was shopping for a birthday present for a friend in a used cd/dvd store and nearly shrieked when I saw it sitting on the shelf. I bought it without a second thought and immediately tweeted about finding it.
One of these days I need to make the girls at Stitch n Bitch watch it. Perhaps after there’s been alcohol.
Have you seen this crazy movie? I know most people either love it or hate it. I’m curious to know what you think of it. If you haven’t seen it I do believe that Netflix has it for rent. Check it out and drop me a line!